Friday, March 16, 2012

6 Month UPDATES!!!

Mr. Bradley had his 6 month appointment today. The Dr. that we usually see is very, very, very popular. So popular that, she is booked a month out :D Well, we went to see another Dr. who was very nice also. I enjoyed hearing her point of view on everything but, still love our regular Dr! My husband didn't get to come to this appointment due to having to work. But, he was there with us in spirit.

The Dr. said, that Bradley "Seems to be doing wonderfully" Here are his stats for 6 months...

Height~ 27 3/4 which puts him in the 78th %

Weight ~ 17-7.5 which puts him in the 40th %

Head Circumfrence ~ 18 which puts him in the 90th %

He got his shots for the 3rd time since being 2 months old. He did very well and this time he didn't even need a bottle afterwards. He cried for a minute and that was it. :)

Here are some of the new things that Bradley is doing now N' days ...

~ He will now roll across the room if you were to let him.

~ He has figured out how to scoot backwards. By, putting himself in the push up position.

~ He has figured out how to get up on all fours and now rocks.

~ He loves to watch his hands and will look like he is waving at people but, really he is just watching his own hand.

~ He is VERY close to being able to sit up on his own.

~ He has started saying "Baba" and "Dada"

~ He babbles up a storm.


He has the two bottom teeth coming in and boy are they sharp.

Favorite Activities to do:

~ He loves watching his sesame street videos that are filled with music.

~ He also loves playing with his toys. He seems to have his favorites but for the most part you can catch him playing with them all. Sometimes he will double them up LOL.

~ He loves his feet ... they are almost as entertaining as his toys or his videos.

~ He also loves his mirror that can be propped up on the floor.


He is eating #2 foods in baby food. Although today, the Dr. said, that Bradley could try softened "mommy" and "daddy" food. Such as Bananas and refried beans. She also said that, we could try #3 baby foods if he seems to be doing well on the # 2 baby foods.

As for everything else... we are having a blas with him :)

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