Monday, March 5, 2012

Waiting For Daddy :)

Saturday we waited for Daddy to get home all day!! We had fun while we waited though. Bradley helped mommy pack for California :) We continued to get stuff ready and I finally started to get myself packed. It was all fun until Bradley decided that it was nap time and so, I had to continue on my own stuff until he was awake again. After I had gotten everything that needed to be in and set for the trip... we hung out for a while ! Take a look...

He thinks he is handsome!! So does mommy :)

Playing with his ducky :)

And agian...

Bradley has taken a liking to these two stuffed animals. It makes sense as they are the perfect size for him at this age. He adores Baby Boo which, use to be daddy's but, it's still a little to big for him at this age. I have a feeling though... this little boy is going to like his stuffed animals.

There they are again... the teddy bear and the lion :)

Bradley LOVES Elmo :) He also LOVES Sesame Street in general. The videos we have are all music themed. So, they have lots of singing. While some of the songs are silly. Bradley just loves them!!! I decided that I would sit down and watch them with him.

And again...

Love this little boy to death!!!

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