Saturday, March 31, 2012

Sport Blanket & Sport Onesie :)

Today, was all about sport's aparently. Bradley, had on his Steelers onesie from his trip to California. He was playing on his 'sport' blanket which one my husbands good friends & old work partner's wife Jackie gave to him before he was born! so, I guess today was 'sport' day! :) Anyways... yesterday Bradley sat in front of the TV most of the day much to my dismay! So, today he seemed to be in a better mood so, I pulled out a blanket and played with him on the floor. Boy, he sure loves his toys! He has so many that I was not sure which one to pull out and let him play with. So, I just pulled out the rattles and what not. He quickly took to one particular rattle which his best friend Amanda gave to him :) Needless to say, he enjoyed each and every minute of play time on his blanket...


I'm rolling mom!

He spotted the nail polish LOL!

Playing with my toes... there long enough to be toys HAHA!

That's a quit taking photos of me look! Or ... A I'm gonna mess you up ... look :)

That's his new "pose" it's so funny to watch him get into it :)

My little swimmer!

There is that pose again :)

That flash was bright LOL

If that is not the cutest face you have ever seen! I don't know what is!

The End....

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