Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Baby ~ Sat For The 1st Time :)

Bradley, will one day realize how wonderful our next door neighbors are !! Bradley's daddy and I are super lucky to have moved next door to them because, chances are we would not be here still if they were not here. Bradley, is loved by so many people and brings smiles and giggles to those who he meets. I know he has made my world spin and made me think of life in different ways. The other night our wonderful neighbors offered to watch Bradley while Justin and I went out for an hour or two. I was super nervous on Bradley's behalf because, it would be the first time that he was away from me. I knew he was in GREAT hands though. So, I packed his bag of toys, bottles, diapers, wipes, and blanket, and spit up rag. Justin and I headed over and dropped him off. A little over an hour later... and ... He did GREAT!!!! We even got a text stating he was fast asleep :) Here are some photos ...

Mama Leah, before out "date" night :)

Sure & Bradley... this is the outfit that they got Bradley when he was first born. Sue brought it to the hospital :) Still fits hime & it will be a sad day when it has to be retired :)

Sue and a sleepy little baby :)

Bradley loves to talk to Arley... We'll bring him outside when they are outside and Bradley will just babble away :)

If that's not the cutest picture... I don't what is :)

Thank You Again !!! We Love You Guys!!!

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