Wednesday, May 30, 2012

9 Month Updates :)

                                    Happy 9 Months !!! Mommy & Daddy ADORE YOU!!! 
It's a little late but, better late then never !! Bradley turned 9 months on the 26th of this month !!! It has been quite the change for Mommy & Daddy and I'm sure for Bradley also.

It's amazing the change that happens from 6 months to 8 months and then from just the short period of time they go from 8 months to 9 months. There is so much that they learn and so much that they want to explore. I now understand why people would say to me, " This is the easy part" referring to when he was an infant. I write and I can hear Bradley, banging the little "mats" to set your drinks down on, on the end table out in the living room. It is one of Bradley's "new" interests during his adventures of exploring the house during the day.

So, what has the little B. been up to lately ? What has he learned to to do ? The list begins...

~ Rolls over tummy to back
~ Rolls over back to tummy
~ Crawls
~ Pushes self into sitting position
~ Pulls self up into a standing position on just about anything that wont fall over.
~ Says, "Mama", "Dada", "Baba", "Duh", "t,t,t,t,t", and "Ba" ....
~ Crawls to your ankles and will reach up, letting you know he wants "up"
~ Grabs things... off, table, end tables, tv stand, out of his toy buckets, his blankets, ect...
~ Knocks things off of the end table, tv stand.
~ Puts everything in his mouth (think he is teething again ... Upper top two teeth this time)
~ Loves, to swing his arms up and down while holding his hands together
~ Splashes his hands in the bath tub
~ Sits up on his own in the bath tub
~ LOVES looking at himself naked in the mirror LOL

I'm sure the list goes on... but, that's all I can think of right now.

He is walking along the couch when he pulls himself up. The other day he began walking while I was holding his hands. I have a feeling he will be walking by 10 months.

You can catch Bradley at the following places...
~ Dogs water bowl
~ Dogs food bowl
~ Dogs toy bin
~ The TV stand

(Notice a trend here ... LOL)

He loves to play with his toys in his room. What's nice about this house is that the computer sits directly across from his room so, I can be on the computer and watch him at the same time. It doesn't always work...since, he has become so mobile.

Bradley, is completely off of Bottles during the day... he is only on bottles at night time & during nap time.

We've made it so that Bradley, only gets one bottle before bedtime and is now in the process of teaching himself how to go back to sleep at night without a bottle.

Bradley, is still on quite the schedule. He is usually in his crib by 7pm and usually asleep by 8pm. Bradley, usually wakes up around 8am and will play in his crib until 9 or so. I don't how we lucked out there... ;)

He is getting so old, so quickly. We are still in the midst of planning his 1st Birthday.

He has his 9 month well baby check up on June 18th :) All the stats to come then !!!

We are doing well and loving every minute with baby B :)

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