Wednesday, June 13, 2012

"Human" Food !

Bradley, has been trying "new" types of food the past few weeks. There not really new, just in a new form... they make these net things that you can stick "human" food in and he just loves them. So, we started using them along with the baby food, formula and whatever else he is eating. He's got his daddy's looks and mommy's food taste :) He LOVES Bananas... just like his mommy :)

He has tried peaches, watermelon, carrots, and bananas in this net thing and he seems to love his fruit. I guess we wont be having a picky eater on our hands when he gets older.

Here is Mr. B eating his Banana out of his net thingy... he loves his food :)

B ... is getting to be quite the toddler :)) He goes in for his 9 month well baby check up on the 18th of June :)

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