Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Mr. Independent :)

... here is the proof :) They are ready to go ... I can not believe my little boy is going to be 1 in less then 2 months in 6 days. Time has flown by so quickly... feels like just yesterday, we were heading to the hospital to be induced.

Mr. B, is becoming Mr. independent !! :( It's neat to watch but, sad at the same time. Since moving to the new house he has been able to play in his room by himself and me still be able to watch him. It's really nice!! Cause I don't constantly have to be in the room with him. I can say, Thanks to the house I guess cause it's quite a bit smaller then the Brittany Loop house was. But, wouldn't trade living here for the world... anything to be away from crazy lady ;)

B. had his 9 month appointment the other day... he continues to be growing right on track & is healthy, happy, and the love of mommy's and daddy's life!! Maybe, even Chief's too ;) Lol.

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