Saturday, June 23, 2012

Spider Baby :)

Bradley, is getting to be quite the handful during the day...

 Nap time used to a fairly easy process of putting him in his crib and leaving the room. Now, it's become a game of "play in the crib"... as much as I would love  for him to stay up with me through out the day. I know that he functions better when he has had a nap. Although, on Daddy's weekends 99% of the time he refuses to nap. Which, makes for an early bedtime... but, nap time is not the only thing that is changing as he gets older.

Bradley loves to crawl and pull himself up onto things... his favorite things to pull himself up on are things that can fall over.

*His Sesame Street Book Shelf
* Stools that are in the kitchen and one in the guest bedroom where the computer is.

One would think that I would pull him away from these things... but, I don't. He has since learned that if he pulls himself up on to the Sesame Street Book Shelf he better be careful. The stool not so much... but, he does know the word "No, No" as it came in handy earlier today when he thought about pulling down all of the cook books in the kitchen. LOL
He is growing up so quickly!! I don't know how I am going to handle him turning 1 in August... He is becoming such a little boy. It's getting to be so much fun to try and communicate with him in his babble that he does. But, I wish that I could freeze this time... because, I know in another month and a half i will be watching him stuff his face full of cake :)

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