Saturday, June 23, 2012

Mr. B & The Fruit Snack Wrapper :)

So, I don't think we have a picky eater on our hands! This kid will eat anything... he has taken on after the dog as he crawls around with things in his mouth. LOL... No joke! Well, the other day I had just ate a pack of fruit snacks and had the wrapper laying out on the table near the couch. B, saw it and grabbed it and stuck it in his mouth. It must of tasted really good because, it made the diaper change real easy. Well, of course when he did the first time I failed to have my camera by me. So, again I knew there would be another moment where I could catch him in the act of trying to eat the plastic. Well... here we are today, and he was at it again this morning.
... and here he is snatching that sucker up off the ground!! :) He crawled around with it for a good 20 minutes before deciding that he had sucked all the flavor out of it ;) LOL

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