Tuesday, June 26, 2012

10 Month's And... Growing!!

... And, it's happened we are out of the single digits! Sad, day for mommy... only two more months and we will have a 1 year old on our hands. We can't wait though! We are having so... much fun with him. Bradley, had his 9 month appointment on the 19th of this month. We don't go back until the 27th of August for his 1 year check up. But, Mr. B is always up to something new... here are some of the things he has been up to lately!

New things...
* Walking while holding Mommy or Daddy's hands.
* Walking while holding on to the furniture.
* Understanding "No" and "No,No".

Bradley Continues to roll over, sit up, crawl, pull himself up, and be about the busiest a boy his age could be.

As for feedings.. Bradley is completely off the bottle during the day... Except for 1 at nap time. As for bedtime he still gets 1 before bed. We are going to start the weening process tonight as I type this... hopefully by the end of the week he will be off bottles completely :)

We have gotten so lucky with Bradley's sleeping habbits and even more lucky with how early we got him on a schedule. It's made our lives so much easier! He continues to sleep through the night and currently is going to bed around 8pm and getting up around 8:30am ... (I know, I don't know how we got so lucky)

Some of Bradley's favorite items that he owns are...
* His blankets, his favorite one is the sport fleece blanket that Daddy's old partners wife made for B. before he was born.
* His turtle and duck
* New favorite toy is the purple pop up toy.
* He loves Sesame Street and his videos.

Anyways... there is so much more that goes on a day to day basis with Bradley. He is the love of my life and I know his Daddy's life!

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