Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Blanket!

Bradley's favorite blanket :) Wish we lived closer to the family that gave Bradley this blanket before he was born. But, it will be awesome to one day sooner rather then later go back and be able for it to make sense to Bradley as to how special of a connection Daddy and I have to the family.

Same night... he loves to snuggle with his blankets! It's super funny to watch him play and then stop! Look around and spot his blanket and you can pretty much bet the thumb will be in the mouth and his head will be down on the blanket :) It's quite cute! I think he has found the blanket that he will want to carry along everywhere! 

Can't wait to explain who gave it to him! Thank You, Jackie :) 

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Busy Bee Bradley!

Were still not sure where Bradley, get's his love for music and lights. Since he was born ... he has loved music. Since he was old enough to look around and focus which, he has done pretty well from the beginning... he has loved looking at lights. We could be in Wal Mart, Target, Safeway, anywhere and if there are lights he is looking :) Maybe a hint as to why this Turtle has been such a big hit since he got it for Christmas last year !
We are going to have a walker on our hands before we know it. Bradley, loves to stand and knock things off the table or whatever he can get his hands on. His favorite thing is his dvds in his room that are in his Sesame Street Book shelf spot... he likes to pull himself up and then pull the dvd cases out one by one and toss them on the floor. It's amusing to watch... he has recently started doing it out in the living room to the vhs tapes that are low enough for him to reach. Bradley, just recently discovered the book shelf in the dining area next to the kitchen... which, has little candles on it. Just the other day he decided to go over to it and pull the candles down. That quickly came a screeching stop. 

... We have a clock hanging in the living room with the Rottie Property Laws Rules... of a Rottie and I must say, some of them fit Mr. B... jk! Just recently Bradley has become very curious as to what we have and if it looks interesting he will come and grab for it. Needless to say, today taking his 10 month photos was a challenge ;) But, we got them done! 

10 Month's And... Growing!!

... And, it's happened we are out of the single digits! Sad, day for mommy... only two more months and we will have a 1 year old on our hands. We can't wait though! We are having so... much fun with him. Bradley, had his 9 month appointment on the 19th of this month. We don't go back until the 27th of August for his 1 year check up. But, Mr. B is always up to something new... here are some of the things he has been up to lately!

New things...
* Walking while holding Mommy or Daddy's hands.
* Walking while holding on to the furniture.
* Understanding "No" and "No,No".

Bradley Continues to roll over, sit up, crawl, pull himself up, and be about the busiest a boy his age could be.

As for feedings.. Bradley is completely off the bottle during the day... Except for 1 at nap time. As for bedtime he still gets 1 before bed. We are going to start the weening process tonight as I type this... hopefully by the end of the week he will be off bottles completely :)

We have gotten so lucky with Bradley's sleeping habbits and even more lucky with how early we got him on a schedule. It's made our lives so much easier! He continues to sleep through the night and currently is going to bed around 8pm and getting up around 8:30am ... (I know, I don't know how we got so lucky)

Some of Bradley's favorite items that he owns are...
* His blankets, his favorite one is the sport fleece blanket that Daddy's old partners wife made for B. before he was born.
* His turtle and duck
* New favorite toy is the purple pop up toy.
* He loves Sesame Street and his videos.

Anyways... there is so much more that goes on a day to day basis with Bradley. He is the love of my life and I know his Daddy's life!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

He had a tail ...

So, this evening while Bradley ate his dinner... I decided that I would take some scissors to his tail that he had growing. I also took them to his over grown hair above his ears. It's not every day you try and cut a 9 and a half month old's head of hair. But, after almost poking him twice with the little nail scissors i decided to use the big boy scissors. It worked much better... and needless to say, he was a happy camper with his pears in one hand and a spoon filled with baby food in the other.

Mr. B & The Fruit Snack Wrapper :)

So, I don't think we have a picky eater on our hands! This kid will eat anything... he has taken on after the dog as he crawls around with things in his mouth. LOL... No joke! Well, the other day I had just ate a pack of fruit snacks and had the wrapper laying out on the table near the couch. B, saw it and grabbed it and stuck it in his mouth. It must of tasted really good because, it made the diaper change real easy. Well, of course when he did the first time I failed to have my camera by me. So, again I knew there would be another moment where I could catch him in the act of trying to eat the plastic. Well... here we are today, and he was at it again this morning.
... and here he is snatching that sucker up off the ground!! :) He crawled around with it for a good 20 minutes before deciding that he had sucked all the flavor out of it ;) LOL

Spider Baby :)

Bradley, is getting to be quite the handful during the day...

 Nap time used to a fairly easy process of putting him in his crib and leaving the room. Now, it's become a game of "play in the crib"... as much as I would love  for him to stay up with me through out the day. I know that he functions better when he has had a nap. Although, on Daddy's weekends 99% of the time he refuses to nap. Which, makes for an early bedtime... but, nap time is not the only thing that is changing as he gets older.

Bradley loves to crawl and pull himself up onto things... his favorite things to pull himself up on are things that can fall over.

*His Sesame Street Book Shelf
* Stools that are in the kitchen and one in the guest bedroom where the computer is.

One would think that I would pull him away from these things... but, I don't. He has since learned that if he pulls himself up on to the Sesame Street Book Shelf he better be careful. The stool not so much... but, he does know the word "No, No" as it came in handy earlier today when he thought about pulling down all of the cook books in the kitchen. LOL
He is growing up so quickly!! I don't know how I am going to handle him turning 1 in August... He is becoming such a little boy. It's getting to be so much fun to try and communicate with him in his babble that he does. But, I wish that I could freeze this time... because, I know in another month and a half i will be watching him stuff his face full of cake :)

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Mr. Independent :)

... here is the proof :) They are ready to go ... I can not believe my little boy is going to be 1 in less then 2 months in 6 days. Time has flown by so quickly... feels like just yesterday, we were heading to the hospital to be induced.

Mr. B, is becoming Mr. independent !! :( It's neat to watch but, sad at the same time. Since moving to the new house he has been able to play in his room by himself and me still be able to watch him. It's really nice!! Cause I don't constantly have to be in the room with him. I can say, Thanks to the house I guess cause it's quite a bit smaller then the Brittany Loop house was. But, wouldn't trade living here for the world... anything to be away from crazy lady ;)

B. had his 9 month appointment the other day... he continues to be growing right on track & is healthy, happy, and the love of mommy's and daddy's life!! Maybe, even Chief's too ;) Lol.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Elmo Nelmo :)

... It began with the book shelf that was given to B at Christmas. Then it was the bed spread for when his crib becomes a day bed. Then I thought OK, now I have got to get wall decals for his room. So, that's exactly what I did. Needless to say, they turned out super cute. The room is not at all complete... there are still some things that are needed but, so far so good! 

It's right around the corner and coming up quicker then I would like. Yes, that is Mr. B's 1st birthday... the invites are addressed and filled out, we have almost everything we need for it. So, until the big day... here is another "sneak peak" into what will be one of the many decorations we have for his birthday party.

New Adventures :)

Today, we decided that we would break out the play pen as Bradley, is constantly at my feet... not, that it's a bad thing! But, when I have to get something done this will come in handy. B, loves to get into the dogs food bowl, water bowl, and just about anything that the dog is going for. They will eventually one day become friends, but as of right now... I'm pretty sure Mr. B thinks he is a dog also ;) Needless to say, this "play pen" will come in handy!

So, as of last week... Bradley would rather be out of his chair when he watches his show (s). So, the other day I noticed that when I came in to check on him... he was standing at the TV grabbing at what he thought were "real" people. I laughed and he turned around to give me a look of, "what are you laughing at mom ?" At the time I didn't have my camera near me... so, I knew there would be another time when I could capture his new method to watching TV in a picture. So, today... I walked into the above... LOL....

Getting super BIG :) Too Fast !!!

"Human" Food !

Bradley, has been trying "new" types of food the past few weeks. There not really new, just in a new form... they make these net things that you can stick "human" food in and he just loves them. So, we started using them along with the baby food, formula and whatever else he is eating. He's got his daddy's looks and mommy's food taste :) He LOVES Bananas... just like his mommy :)

He has tried peaches, watermelon, carrots, and bananas in this net thing and he seems to love his fruit. I guess we wont be having a picky eater on our hands when he gets older.

Here is Mr. B eating his Banana out of his net thingy... he loves his food :)

B ... is getting to be quite the toddler :)) He goes in for his 9 month well baby check up on the 18th of June :)