Friday, November 23, 2012

I made a new friend...

Today I put Mr. B in his crib so I could fold his many clothes that he goes through during the day. Although, I had just done his laundry the other day ... yesterday he decided that he would go through not 1 not 2 not 3 not 4 not 5 but 6 outfits. He also made mommy go through 3 pairs of pants and two sweatshirts. So, today I did his laundry. Well, this doll he has that was actually mine when I was a baby it plays music and he absolutely loves it before he goes to bed. Along with his lamb that my aunt debbie and uncle tom got him that also makes different noises. Today though was the first time that I have seen him interact with this doll. It was funny because hubby was just saying, that we don't want that scary looking doll as his main toy. Well, looks like he may have already choosen...

I was so glad to see that he was pulling the dolls hair and not mine ;)

Christmas Tree Lights :)

Bradley, likes all kinds of lights! So, it was no surprise yesterday, when we set up the Christmas tree that Bradley would like the lights. At one point he tried to rip the lights of the tree, at another point he was trying to eat the lights :) LOL... here he is running around with his blanket and looking at the lights :) 

My sweet boy :) 

First Thanksgiving Dinner :)

Bradley, ate first on Thanksgiving! Because, mommy screwed up and started everything that she knew would take just a few minutes to prepare but, little did she know the Turkey was NO where near done :/ So... Bradley, got to eat a Thanksgiving feast and then later on try some Turkey :) 

This was him prepping himself to eat a meal :) LOL

He was not sure at all about mashed potatoes. 

Again, you can see in his face not to sure!


HAM & Chief waiting for a handout :) 

No, potatoes!

He loves his corn :) 

And... Pudding Love is an understatement!

MMM... so good :)

He had so much fun eating his Turkey dinner :) 

A Thanksgiving Day For B :)

 Thanksgiving Morning :) We hung out at home all day on Thanksgiving... Bradley, had fun having mommy and daddy home and getting to run around and play with his "brother". They had some serious bonding time and I think it's the start of a great "relationship". They played with an outlet cover that Bradley had found and was chewing on. The dog got it and chewed on it ALOT and basically crushed it! Bradley, got it back and put it back into his mouth :) mmmhmmm ... LOL. Bradley, also played with his toys in his room, but lately he has been finding other items to play with ... :)

 At 10am every week day Sesame Street comes on... Bradley, is addicted to anything that has to do with Sesame Street. Lately, he has taken a real liking to the couch ... he uses it to climb on and roll all over. He seems to like the dogs spot "bed".

Bradley, usually gets a snack before nap time. He is now eating cereal... he can also eat the gerber snacks that you can buy at the store. He loves fruit! So, he loves the fruit snacks that you can squeeze into your mouth.

 This was his lunch that he had after he woke up from his nap :) He loves meat ... just like his daddy :)

Happy Thanksgiving!

The Day Before Thanksgiving :)

Bradley, celebrated Thanksgiving last year... but wasn't quite old enough to eat the food or anything like that. So, this year was fun to eat dinner with him. Wednesday, we relaxed at home while the turkey defrosted and daddy worked! Bradley, was busy playing and running from room to room...

The End!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Bradley's 13 - 15 Month Updates :)

And... here we are another month older! Hard to believe my little boy was only about to turn 3 months old this time last year. I never understood what people meant when they said, " They grow so quickly " But, now I do. I totally understand. So...

 Bradley is now 14 1/2 months old a little over that in fact. He is a busy boy with much to do on a daily basis! You can normally catch Bradley wide awake by 8:15 in the morning. He goes to bed between 6 and 7 pm so, you can see that mommy and daddy are getting pretty lucky with this little guy! We continue to hope that the 2nd one will be as good as Bradley, but we are expecting the complete opposite!!!

Bradley, is completely off bottles during the day. He is still on them at night and at nap. If we can help it he only gets one bottle with milk in it. That bottle is only a 5oz. bottle as of right now. I'm planning on 15 1/2 months old canning the bottles and moving on to sippie cups at night and at nap time.

Bradley. is still in the crib. We are debating back and forth between 18 and 20 months of transitioning him into a "big boy" bed. For now though, he is content in his crib :)

Walking, Walking, Walking! Bradley is fully walking and has been since he was 13 months i'd say. The latest is running. He ran a little for the first time at 13 1/2 months old. But, now he is mobile to the point of running away from you :) especially when you go to change his diaper. He has just recently started to wear "big boy" tennis shoes.

Talking... Bradley, has a few selective words that you can understand if you listen real closely....
... Yes
... No
... I got this
... It is
... Mama
... Dada
... Baba
... che che che (Cheif ... che che che is what daddy calls the doggy)
... This
... What's This
... a e a e a e a e a e  LOL

Bradley, likes to play with his toys ! But, you can normally find him in the kitchen opening drawers and pulling everything out and making a complete mess. His favorite things to pull out are the cups that he drinks out of. The plastic lids to the Tupperware and the bottom drawer which is kind of like a "junk" drawer but not really.

You can also find him anywhere with water :) The dogs dish is a fave of his! We've had to keep the toilet lids shut or the bathroom doors closed or you can bet that you will find something in the toilet bowl. We have already found things in the dogs dish. Bradley, also likes to stand and try to get the dogs food while the dog is eating. We are putting a stop to that  LOL.

As for everything else... Bradley, continues to learn and grow and be a healthy happy little boy!

Dump Truck Noggin!

 The other day Bradley decided that he would push his dump truck that holds "big" leggos in it around. Well, it's not like his doggy or Police car that he can just hold on to and push. It's a dump truck and the back end pulls up and you can dump things out of it. Well, my little boy must have a head of steal because, he must of hit his head on the back of the dump truck 5 times in a row from pushing it.

It was funny because, he would be pushing it and BOOM the back would fly up and knock  him on the forehead :( He wouldn't seem to mind and would continue to just play as if nothing had happened. This went on for about a half an hour before it was time to get ready for lunch and nap time.

Here are some photos of him playing with the dump truck :)

Demolition Of Growth Chart On Wall !St

Boy's will be boy's apparently! The other day Bradley, decided that he was not a fan of having his growth chart on the wall. The growth chart used to be daddy's and his cousin's. Bradley, has not yet started to use it ... as we can not get him to stand in one place to even attempt to use it. Needless to say, the other day Bradley thought that it would be a good idea to get it off the wall and "play" with it. It went well for Bradley, but I felt sorry for the growth chart! In the end no one or thing was harmed... LOL ;) 

Step 1 pat the growth chart and tell it how wonderful it is :) 
Step 2 grab it so it slowly starts to move away from the wall.

Step 3. Pull it so it is fully away from the wall... 

Step 4. Now YANK on it so it completely falls down!

Step 5. Inspect it :) 

Step 6 . Try to measure yourself with it.

Step 7. Read it ... 

Step 8. Take it with you and find it a perfect spot to rest.

Step 9. Leave it on the ground for mommy to clean up :)

The journey of the Growth Chart ... The End!