Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Little to Big to Quickly :)

Bradley, is growing up way to quickly for my liking !! I just want the infant stage back :( He is getting to be such a grown up little boy. I would love another one but, I know hubby is not ready. ETA: A few weeks ago we bought Bradley a sippy cup that was labled good from 6 months on. Well, tonight I tried a different one and he took it and loved it. He is so advanced for being only six months old. The past few days have been kind of hectict with Daddy having to challenge the post for Idaho. But, I have been taking a few photos of Bradley and our daily routines...

Here is a random photo of his favorite Teddy Bear :) Perfect size... eh ?

This morning I started the packing process for California while Bradley played for a little while!

Then we settled in to watch Ellen Degeneres together! This boy has got mama's TV taste ;)

He loves when Ellen Dances LOL :)

My big boy drinking from his sippy cup !!

Love him to death :)

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Bradley On His 6 Month Birthday !!

Hard to believe it was 6 months ago that little man entered this world. It's a moment in my memory that I will never forget!!! This little boy has stolen my heart and I don't know how I am ever going to find the strength to go back to work! ETA~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Today, Bradley got his 6 month photo taken and was very excited to watch Daddy plow the drive way again as he watched Daddy plow last night also. We also finally put batteries in his musical catapiller that is attached to his bouncy bug :)

Here he is in his bouncy bug ... With his musical catapiller :)

Here are the other two 6 month photos that were taken today !!

Mommy and Bradley with Daddy in the back ground plowing the side of our lawn so the mail trucks can get in. If you don't clear the mail box they won't deliver your mail !!

Mommy and Bradley again... hanging in the garage :)

The end....

Friday, February 24, 2012

The boy Like's....

Bradley watched some full house with mama yesterday. He loved it!!! Since moving to Idaho I have not watched any Full House episodes and yesterday, I decided to put one in. It was a hit!! The boy has good taste!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Bradley & Chief ... Sweet!

If there is one thing that is true about Rottwieller's it's that they are awesome with babies!!! There is no doubt in my mind that Chief & Bradley are going to have a wonderful relationship as Bradley get's older. Bradley already laughs at Chief and will talk to him if Chief is laying on the couch and Bradley is sitting on mommy or daddy's lap. So, as hard as it is for me to pay attention to Chief today, he came into the room while Bradley was playing. I'd have to say, it was probably the best time I have had the two of them. I have a house filled with boy's but I must say... They are the best boy's a girl could ask for!!!

What in the world is he doing ... Mom ?

Bradley totally not aware that the dog was staring at him !!

Can I play with the toys mom ?


Never new dog's could pout!

Lovin' his toys!

Double fistin' it!

Here mom ... you want it ?

When can I play with him ?


That toy looks good ....

What a wonderful morning with my boys!

Bradley & The Rattle ...

I decided to capture some photos today of Bradley during "play" time. He has a rattle that he absolutely loves!! Today was no exception... take a look...

His muscels are amazing!

Cheif is begining to like him :)

He was showing it to me lol...

That didn't go as he planned LOL!

HI ~ YA!

The End...

Bradley's First Valentines Day :)

Yesterday Bradley recieved his 1st Valentines Day Cards from his Grammy & Grandpa, Mamo & Papa ! He loved them both!!! Mommy read him both cards while holding him and needless to say, he smiled and wanted to grab onto each card and eat it ;) Teething :))

Grammy & Grandpa's Card :)

Mamo & Papa's Card :)

Iadore this little boy to the moon!!! Seriously, the sweetest baby around!!! He now enjoy's going to bed like a "big" boy ! He eat's his bottle in his crib. This was how I found him yesterday after his nap lol. I lay down a blanket over his sheet cause, we have been keeping the heater off during the day to try and reduce the bill :S It get's cold in Idaho :)

This kid has got muscle galore!!!!

Hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

It's a mini Justin :)

It's a scary sight how much Bradley looks like his Daddy! We could of named him Justin Jr. This little boy is ALL Daddy!!! He is just like him... he is a little clone!! The other night Bradley had made it a mission to see how many outfits he could go through at one time... so, I finally just took his shirt off and left his shorts on... this is what I got LOL...

This picture cracks me up...

Oh, how I love this little boy!

Smiling at Daddy!!!

What? Mom!

He is the most amazing little boy in the whole wide world!!!

He'll be drivin soon...

Last weekend we went to Spokane as I said in a pervious post... this is the car that Daddy got him for his 1st birthday... lol.

Going to be so much fun to push around in this thing.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

It's A Bird, It's a plane, It's a.... MAT!

Daddy decided to put the mat together tonight that we had bought for Bradley today. It was pretty neat because, now Bradley is not confined to just the carpet. Mr. Chief liked it also but, we quickly realized that his claws were a little to rough for the mat. Bradley enjoyed having the mat to himself. He is getting so strong as you will see in these photos. He will be crawling before we know it.
Bradley the mat & his turtle :)

It's a bird, It's a plane, It's BRADLEY!

Mom! No more pictures !!!!!

I'm hot stuff!

Drool Baby!

I'm swimming!


My love!!!

This little boy is the love of my life!!!!!!