Friday, February 3, 2012

Photo Shoot with Mommy :)

This little boy will never know how much I love him!!! I truly enjoy every minute that I have with him. He has made me a better person and I can't imagine my life with out him in it. I look forward to each day that I spend with him because, he makes me smile, laugh, and sometime's tear up for no reason at all. The way he looks at me and smiles or coos or makes some funny noise just melts my heart. I don't know how or where I am going to draw the strength to go back to work and find a job. Late at night when he wakes me up to feed him, as I burp him and put him back in his crib he reaches up and grabs my nose and coos' I kiss him goodnight and tell him I will see him in the morning. When he feeds he grabs my fingers and strokes my hands with his. He looks at me with those big blue eyes and everything kind of fades away. My world is taken over by him and I adore him to the ends of this world! He is amazing and such a gift !!!
Yesterday, we took some photos together....

Love Him!

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