Friday, February 17, 2012

Bradley & Chief ... Sweet!

If there is one thing that is true about Rottwieller's it's that they are awesome with babies!!! There is no doubt in my mind that Chief & Bradley are going to have a wonderful relationship as Bradley get's older. Bradley already laughs at Chief and will talk to him if Chief is laying on the couch and Bradley is sitting on mommy or daddy's lap. So, as hard as it is for me to pay attention to Chief today, he came into the room while Bradley was playing. I'd have to say, it was probably the best time I have had the two of them. I have a house filled with boy's but I must say... They are the best boy's a girl could ask for!!!

What in the world is he doing ... Mom ?

Bradley totally not aware that the dog was staring at him !!

Can I play with the toys mom ?


Never new dog's could pout!

Lovin' his toys!

Double fistin' it!

Here mom ... you want it ?

When can I play with him ?


That toy looks good ....

What a wonderful morning with my boys!

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