Sunday, February 26, 2012

Bradley On His 6 Month Birthday !!

Hard to believe it was 6 months ago that little man entered this world. It's a moment in my memory that I will never forget!!! This little boy has stolen my heart and I don't know how I am ever going to find the strength to go back to work! ETA~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Today, Bradley got his 6 month photo taken and was very excited to watch Daddy plow the drive way again as he watched Daddy plow last night also. We also finally put batteries in his musical catapiller that is attached to his bouncy bug :)

Here he is in his bouncy bug ... With his musical catapiller :)

Here are the other two 6 month photos that were taken today !!

Mommy and Bradley with Daddy in the back ground plowing the side of our lawn so the mail trucks can get in. If you don't clear the mail box they won't deliver your mail !!

Mommy and Bradley again... hanging in the garage :)

The end....

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