Thursday, February 2, 2012

It's been a whirl wind...

... Well, the past few days have been a roller coaster of emotions to say the least! We have spent most of the time the past few days inside the car. So, I have not had the time or the energy to take picture's of my little man.

Many of you may know that we have come to a dead end with this whole neighbor issue and we have decided that it is time to move. So, we have spent the past few days looking for houses. Needless to say, nothing has lived up to our standards. So, I said a few weeks ago that I had ordered Bradley abunch of new things... well, all of those things came just waiting on the Jeans for Jcpenny. I ordered Bradley a toy hammock because he has so many stuffed animals thanks to his mommy. That they were just sitting in a box and I wanted them up higher. I moved his furniture around again. Due to the fact that I wanted his crib under the toy hammock. Here are the photos...

The toys! :) He has more stuffed animals out in the garage in a box!

I love the changing table right here :)

My little munchkin watching his show! Our wonderful living room which I love!

This was last night after his bath :) LOVE HIM!

The End....

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