Sunday, February 12, 2012

Bradley ... Spoiled ?

So, today we went to the Spokane Valley Mall and to Babies R Us in Spokane. Bradley was such a good baby the whole trip down and back. We went to the mall and we were going to get his pictures taken for $48 bucks but, he was not having it. The lady there came on a little strong and kind of freaked him out and we were not able to get a smile out of him. Instead the tears started rolling and that was the end. So, we went to Babies R Us. I had never been in one of those stores before and I must say it was pretty awesome. We got a few things there for him... and one big thing.

His new pj's...

His new Tigger outfit :)

This was a monkey wall hanging item that they had on sale. It will go perfectly in his Monkey themed Bathroom :)

We found this cushion for the bath at the store also. Only problem ... it floats and he is way big for it LOL.

Hubby has been wanting to get Bradley these for a while. They are awesome and these have a lot more in them then the ones that we have seen at Wal Mart.

Since Bradley's 1st Birthday is going to be here before we know it! We have been stocking up on gifts so far, we have 3 we got 2 of them at Wal Mart and the other one we got at Babie R Us today. I forgot to snap a photo of it before these were posted so, that will have to be a seperate post. But, here are the two items that we got at Wal Mart.

This is a dump truck that has big leggos in it and spots to build with them on the truck... It's awesome.

Back during Christmas we were at the Mall in Coeur D' Alene and we saw this awesome race car set that had cars on it that were motorized. You could change the track around and everything... we were going to get it for Bradley's first Birthday as a gift for him but, never went back to get it. Ever since then we have been looking everywhere for one similar. Well, the only thing remotely close that we could find was one at Wal Mart that they had on Sale for $9.99 ...

We can't wait to be able to play with Bradley ... Not, that we don't now! But, when he will play back :) It's going to be so much fun! He is one loved little boy :))))

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