Friday, February 3, 2012

Big Boy Bath Tub :)

A week ago or so I posted on FB that Bradley had grown out of his baby tub. I was asking people for advice on what to do and well, we were not really to big on the idea of spending money on something that he is probably going to us for a month and then be able to sit up on his own. Well, we were at wal mart one day and we were in the baby section. My husband found the bath mats and we thought that would be perfect to use for his baths. So, that night we started using the bath mat and Bradley just loved it. Here is last night's bath ....

My clean baby boy after the bath...

Hangin' in the tub :)

Lookin for Elmo ....

And again...

My little ham monster !

What ya doin' mom ?

The wa wa fillin' up... this works wonders :)

If he is not the cutest thing in the world I don't know who is!

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