Thursday, April 26, 2012

8 Month Updates!

Happy 8 Months Birthday to my little man today! Although he does not go back to the Dr. for a well baby visit until June it which will be his 9 month visit. I thought I would update you as he continues to grow and learn new things each day.

Here are some of the newest things he has began to do...

~ Sitting up on his own.
~ The Army Crawl ( Gets around pretty great with this, it's amazing how fast he can wind up in a spot that is probably not the safest for him.)
~ Putting his hands together and shaking them.
~ He now smiles and shuts his eyes (it's hilarious)

So, those are the newest of his discoveries that he can do...

He has definitely discovered his voice. He likes to see how loud he can say "Da" and "Dada" and "La" and "T t t t t t " It's pretty funny.

His favorite toys are ...
~ His rubber duckies
~ His Turtle
~ His duck that sings
~ His jumpy thing

He is eating #2 baby foods right now... he will eat just about anything except for "peas".
He just started getting lunch about a month ago. He seems to sleep better at night because he is fuller.
He loves apple juice and as much as I want him to be a milk drinker when he is older... he may be like his mommy. He only gets Apple Juice when he constipated.

He loves his videos of Sesame Street.

He is on quite the schedule!

Other then that everything is going great! We are in midst of ordering/planning for his 1st Birthday :) Which we will be holding on August 26th  2012 :)

Life is good !!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

1st Swim of the Summer :)

Well, this morning we made a trip to Wal ~ Mart to get Bradley some formula. While we were there we looked at outside furniture for the very near future. Well, we came across the kiddie isle and in it they had inflatable pools. Well, we found some that were pretty cheap... seven bucks cheep. So, we decided to go ahead an buy one for Bradley. When we got home daddy wanted to save it for our new home. But, mommy insisted on opening it up and blowing it up and letting Bradley have some fun. So, we did just that. We used a bucket to fill it up with luke warm water and we brought some of Bradley's bath toys outside for him to play with in the pool. He took a few face plants into the water but, he did not mind one bit. It seemed to make him happy :) lol. We are pretty sure that we have a little water baby on our hands. He was having so much fun :))

My little water boy :)

How do I grab these toys when they are floating ?

Gotcha :)

Now, I can eat ya :)

Chillin in the pool...

My little boy :)

The End :) We had so much fun :)

Bradley, The Car and a Walk around the block !

It was a beautiful day in Northern Idaho today! It was warm, sunny and the perfect day to show daddy what a big boy Bradley is by sitting in his car that we can push around the block in. Bradley, wore shorts and a short sleeve shirt around the block for the first time. He also had the hat on that Mamo and mommy picked out when mommy and mamo went to get his professional photos taken. It was so bright out that we were afraid he would wind up getting sun burned if we didn't put on the hat. Well, needless to say, Bradley just adored his time in the car and looking at what was around him. A car went by and he was just amazed :) LOL Daddy took the photos as mommy pushed him around the block :) Take a peek ....

Bradley just startin' out on the walk ...

This is fun Mom!

hehe :)

Hi, Dad :))


Mommy and Bradley :-)

Tryin' to figure out what to do while being pushed :)

That is a bright sun, guys!!!

Mama pushing Bradley!!

... And again!

He decided that he would bite the steering wheel lol.

Love this little boy !!!

Mama and Bradley...

Smiling at Daddy :)) Love!!

And again... big smiles for Daddy :)

The End :)

Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Door Stopper ;)

Well, it has been quite the crazy ride the past few days. Just when we thought everything was starting to calm down. Well, Bradley and I have been hanging out at home alot lately. The other day we went out to run some errands. I've been addicted to selling things on FB lately to make some extra money. Bradley ran around with me the other day and we got an awesome little umbrella set for him. With, new changes coming we are hoping it will come in handy. Yesterday, Bradley and I went to get coffee with Amanda but, before we did that Bradley had the chance to just hang for a little bit. Well, he found the door stopper and needless to say, he was all over it and the fact that made it noise just helped! Here are some photos...

Before we ran some errands :)

The door stopper :)

... and again :)

The End.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Yesterday Fun :)

Yesterday, Mommy & Daddy took the day to clean out the garage some and sell some things on FB's Sandpoint Yardsale sight. so, Bradley had a pretty relaxing day hanging at home with Mommy & Daddy. I believe him and the dog are going to be best of buds one day and it seems to be getting better as each day passes the dog is learning tht he has to be gentle with the baby. Bradley, is also learning what he can and can not do to Chief. surprisingly he seems to know what the word NO means. I could just be dreaming also. Now that Bradley is out of the blue room it has turned into quite the mess with my newest obsession selling things online. So, he spends most of his time in the room with me. But, he seems to enjoy rolling around and finding new things to eat and chew on which is not much lol. Here are a few pictures from yesterday...

A month ago this would of never happened....

Totally loved this photo :)

He was having fun rolling around so, I tried to capture as much of it on film as possible!

Love both of my boys in these pictures :-)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Mr. Personality :)

Well, it's hard to believe that this little boy is sick! Yes, he was at a DayCare Center for 3 1/2 hours and got sick with in the next 24 hours :( But, although he is sick he is still the happiest little boy I know!! Braldey, is getting so big so quickly and as the days pass on I realize in a little more then 4 months I will have a 1 year old. If I could clone him into another baby exactly like him I would in an instant. Daddy and I are looking forward to him growing but, my heart is breaking thinking of him walking, talking, running, and so much more. He is my world and I don't want him to grow up :-( But, here are some photos of the last few days...

He just loves this car daddy got for him :-) We can't wait till the weather get's nicer so, that we can push around the block in it. He is so cute!!!

He was not into Barney... not yet at least.

I'm done mama! :)

My son, my love, my world, my life, my EVERYTHING!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Some updates....

We I have been pretty side tracked the past few days. Needless to say... pictures were not taken on a daily basis and there for we are left a very few photos. Bradley, spent the day with Daddy yesterday while mommy went to Coeur d' Alene with Amanda to see Titanic. We had lots of fun but I sure as heck missed my little boy. He scored a new outfit though from Kohls while Amanda and I were down there. While, life is zooming right on by us it seems as though my little boy has figured out how to do a few new things. He also has gotten himself on quite the schedule. We started it and he has adjusted it to the way he wants things LOL. Not really, but it sure feels like that. I have tweaked it as he gets older. Today was the first day of "Lunch" at 11am.

Anyways... the other morning I walked into his room to get him up and ready to eat breakfast... this is what I found :)

I pulled the covers off of him and he woke up :)

Bradley can now sit up on his own... as some of you may have seen from a previous posting. He now is on a schedule that he LOVES! Thought I'd share it with you ...

Bradley gets up around 7am usually lies in his crib till around 7:30am and then I get up and get him out and get him into his high chair. Make his rice cereal and by that time it is usually 8am which means he has been fed, and gets the rest of his formula that i used to make the cereal. Then it's off to watch an episode or two of Sesame Street videos which are about 30 minutes long. By that time it is usually around 9:30 or so... so, we will spread out the blanket and play in his room. He is so close to crawling it's maddening to him. Today, like i said, we started "lunch" at 11am. After lunch it's off to relax in his room before winding down and ready for a nap anywhere between Noon and 12:30pm. Bradley will usually sleep for 2 hours. Then it's up and onto a bottle and then play time/hang out with mommy time. Dinner usually arrives around 5:30 and then it's off to take a bath and start winding down for bed. He is usually in bed and asleep no later then 8pm.

Baby B... is doing great :)

Thursday, April 5, 2012

A Very Special Gift... For Bradley :)

Today, Bradley recieved his first Easter gift in the mail. The lady that sent it is one of the most important people in my life... as she gave me life and gave me the best mom & dad I could of ever asked for. My birth mom sent, Bradley these gifts and the card :) I'm so blessed and lucky to have her in my life and to have gotten to know her as much as I have. The onesie is from New York as one of Bradley's "Uncles" is attending NYU. I can't wait for the day that Bradley can meet them and get to know the great people that I have been so blessed to be able to get to know and have in my life. Not every adopted child can say, that she has her mother and her birth mother in her life. :)

This book says, it all :)

Thank You !

Bradley, Daddy, and the car :)

They are going to have a WONDERFUL relationship as Bradley gets older. This weekend Daddy decided to push Bradley around in the "car" we got for him a few months ago. Bradley, just loves it :) As soon as the weather starts getting nicer we will be able to push him around the block in it. Here are a few photos...

... And there off :)

Comin' around the bend!

He is driving!



Bradley at random :)

A few pictures from over the weekend and this morning :)

Love Em' :)

And Were Sitting Up!

Well, we've made it! Bradley, is sitting up :-) I can't believe how fast this little boy is growing up. It seems like just yesterday we were on our way to the hospital. Being a mommy is something that I have wanted for so long. I'm so glad that it happened when it did. This little boy steals more of my heart every single day. So, this morning Bradley watched one of his favorite shows and then we went into his room to play. We worked on sitting up and by the end of the hour we were in there he had sitting pretty down pat. :)

This was one of the first times we tried it! While in the room this morning.

This picture ended with him falling and bumping his head. He was fine until I made a "uuuh" noise.

So, I decided to keep my hand back behind him just in case he decided that he was going to lean backwards.

He was getting pretty stable by this point.

But, he still has to figure out that he can't just randomly fly backwards.

He is growing up so fast! I can't believe that in a little over 4 months we will be throwing a 1st birthday for him. :) We can't wait!