Friday, August 31, 2012

Mr. B's Morning...

Well, Bradley's schedule has once again been adjusted to fit his needs and and wants during the day. We put Bradley on a schedule when he was 4 months old. It was probably one of the greatest things we could of done. It has helped so much as he has gotten older. We can just adjust it to fit what his needs/wants are.

This morning ... was new, as we woke up at 8am and he was fed breakfast. We then played for a while until it was time to Skype with Grammy. After Skype he settled in for a little Sesame Street :) he wouldn't pass that up for the world! LOL

Here are some photos of the morning :)

Eating his Breakfast... Nanners & Peaches
He loves remotes!
Going to make sure the doggy was still where he "parked" it.
Playing with his toy :)
It was Sesame Street Time !

Pretty awesome kiddo I have !!!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

A Doggy & Elephant For Mr. B!

Bradley, got so many new toys for his Birthday! It didn't help that mommy was buying "used" toys for him weeks before his Birthday Party. The boy has so many different toys to play with he has trouble keeping his focus on just one for more then a few minutes. Lately we have been having trouble getting him to go down for a nap during the day because, he has so many different toys that he just has to play with! It's pretty cute to watch!!!

I can not believe how old he is getting. How quickly he has turned from a baby to a full blown toddler. He is just filled with personality now. It's so much fun watching him turn into his own little being. We adore this little boy so much! He has changed our lives forever and for the better. I hope our 2nd one is just as wonderful as he is.

Today, Bradley and I spent the morning playing in his room while daddy slept in a bit. Bradley, was having lots of fun playing with all of his toys. He LOVES the doggy that Mamo & Papa (Daddy's parents) got him for his Birthday. It sings, "teaches", talks, all sorts of things... he can push it around and it makes all sorts of noises. He smiles when it sings. The longer and more you push the more it does/sing ...ect!
He also loves the computer :) LOL
After he was done playing with his doggy... we went into his room to play with all of his toys. My dad got him this Elephant when he was here a month before B's birthday party weekend. Bradley, just loves it... getting the shapes out is a favorite thing of his to do. As you can see in the next two photos...
And again...
He quickly became distracted when he realized, Mommy had something a little more interesting in her hand... a CAMERA!
My little thumb sucker :) I love this little boy so... incredibly much!!!

Love you sweet boy!

Found The Ribbon ...

So, after everything was said and done with the Birthday party! After the company had all left, Bradley... found the ribbon in a box that was laying on the floor. He got into it and needless to say, unrolled it and crawled around with it for a while. Until, mommy put an end to it!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Then & Now ... Bradley's ONE!

Hard to believe it has been a year... since, we brought Bradley home!

This was him a year ago...
Bradley! Now, a year later...

Standing up like a big boy! I have been so lucky to be able to stay home with him for his first year of life. It looks like it's going to continue to stay that way also. I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Bradley, has his 1 year check up tomorrow :)

He continues to learn new things... but, some of the newest things he is doing... are:
* Waving
* He responds to you asking him questions in what sounds like mumbo jumbo ;)
* He does "SO BIG"
* He stands alone

He has so many toys! I don't think he knows which one is his favorite.

He continues to be a great sleeper :) Hard to believe a year ago we had to keep him in a swing to sleep. Now, he sleeps through the night for the most part. He still take a bottle at night, but he does really well, during the day on sippy cups.

I watch as i type him try to figure out how the printer on the ground works. He is a very curious little boy! Who likes to DRUM... yes, that's right! He LOVES to bang on anything that will make a noise. We call it "drumming"

He is the light of our lives!

Can't wait for the next umpteen years :)

Walking with his doggy !

Bradley, got two different "push" toys that he can walk behind for his birthday. One was a doggy that sings and does all sorts of different things. It's really neat and he just loves it! The other one was a Police Car that he can sit or push. It has a siren and gun noises and music LOL. We call it the Police/Ice Cream Car haha.

This afternoon Bradley, was enjoying pushing his doggy around. My little boy is getting so big! So quickly! I just can't believe it. The following photo... was of his doggy stuck to the chair...
Bradley, figured out if he pushed the chair in... he could move the dog out of where it was stuck. I almost cried... thinking of how big he is getting. He continued from there and pushed the doggy around...
I taught Bradley, a few months back "SO BIG"... you may remember the video that i posted of him being taught it. Well, now he just can't get enough of it. He was doing it the whole weekend and week we had company here. He will now just put his arms up and expect you to know what he is doing :) It's rather cute! Here he is doing it for Daddy... LOL.
My mom found a Raffi tape at one of the thrift stores up here while she was here visiting. I went to see him when I was a little girl. We have played for Bradley, twice now and he just loves it. Here he is watching it ;)
... Again, with the one armed "SO BIG"!

My little boy is growing up way to fast! Can't imagine my life without him!

1st Bubble Bath !

This morning we said, "goodbye" to the last of the company from Bradley's 1st Birthday weekend. My parents left this afternoon... once my husband was up. We gathered the little boy and headed to get lunch and go to Wal Mart to pick up some things that we needed. We were in the isle for body soap for mommy and daddy spotted bubble bath stuff for Baby B :) it was only fitting to get since it had Bradley's favorite character on the front of the bottle ... Elmo :)
The bath tub was filling... with bubbles :)
B... not to sure about the bubbles :)
Still wondering what they were !Lol!
Smiling at Daddy :)

He had so much fun in the tub :) Daddy finished up by bathing him and rinsing the bubbles out ! B. loves when Daddy gives him a bath!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

1st Birthday Prep & Party photos :)

... I spent most of Saturday evening decorating after family left that evening. Sunday, was the big day that everyone had been waiting for! B's first birthday party :)

I had, had everything ready to go months in advance! Sunday, couldn't of come faster... I prepared everything and the party turned out wonderful :)

Here are some photos of before...

1 Table ....

Food Counter :)
The wall & B's seat :)
Mommy & Daddy's Presents, Grammy & Pappy's presents!
Fire fighter B & Daddy.
Grammy waiting for the party to start!
Hang out spots are ready to be taken :)
Gifts :)

And more Gifts :)
B. trying to figure out what was going on.
G.G walking with Bradley!
G.G. walking with Bradley, again!
Amanda, Mil, and hubby chit chatting :)

And then... the dog :)

Super fun day !

Friday, August 10, 2012

Elmo & Pj's ...

Bradley, is still off bottles during the day... He gets one at nap and one before bed at night though. I'm always buying him stuff... he has more things then my husband and I combined I have a feeling. I don't want to know what will happen if we ever have a little girl ;)

Today, Bradley ran errands with mommy! We had to stop at Wal Mart to get some baby food for him. So, we took a stroll down some of the baby isles and we came across these adorable sippy cups for Bradley... they are his favorite character and everything :)
It's always hard finding summer pjs that aren't to tiny for Bradley! But, I found some today "used" ones and some other pj's for him... that were just to cute to pass up... one is toy story and the other is thomas and the other is just some bear :) The short ones have doggies on them :)

Spoiled :)

Friday, August 3, 2012

A Tooth Brush & Cake Toppers :)

Bradley's big 1st Birthday is coming up soon :) My sister in law inspired me to go out on a limb and make his birthday cake for him. So, I set out to give it a shot and it didn't go as bad as I thought. So, I set my sights on different cake toppers and I found his two favorite characters in race cars! So perfect...
So, the last Dr. appointment Bradley's Dr. suggested getting him a tooth brush for babies and brushing his teeth at night with just warm water. So, today... we did just that...

Pooh Bear ... always been mommy's favorite!

B-rad's Busy Month...

We've been busy the past few weeks... here are some random photos of Bradley ... he had Grandpa visit the other week. So, we've been in the car alot... Still as cute as ever :)

Taking Grandpa to the airport :)
Chillin' at home with mommy :)
Crazy hair :) After bath time...
Mommy and the love of her life!
I adore this little boy!!!

Getting so big :)

Finger Painting... With Food :)

The other day, Bradley had rice cereal for dinner. Loving it would be an understatement! At one point he took the spoon from my hand and directed it into his mouth :) Daddy, saw it and said, "that was awesome, buddy!" Since, we have bowls for B that suction to his highchair ... I let him have the bowl... you can't imagine... so, here are some photos LOL!

This was after the fact of eating the last bit... he decided that he would paint his high chair top :)
Lovin' looking at his food... Daddy, watching :)

"what's this... mmm... "
"Want some Daddy ? "
"Get out... NOW!"

Love this boy :)