Friday, December 30, 2011

Water Baby ...

Well, we know this little boy loves music, and he we also are starting to realize he loves water! He absolutely loves his bath time!! Tonight, was no exception!!! He kicks, splashes, and everything else you could think of ! He loves when you dump water on his head and cover his face lol. We were singing in the bathtub tonight he was eatin it up :)

Singing to mommy :)

kickin and a splashin :)

"Hi Mommy ... "

I love this little boy!!!

mm... I could eat that face lol ...

How much fun is he!!! Can't wait to share him with everyone back in Cali in March :)

Bradley & his toys ...

Bradley is getting to be so much fun !! Although he is not mobile yet... he still wants to get into everything and touch everything he can get those cute little fingers of his on. So, today during "play" time I pulled out some different toys and he just loved it! He has his favorite's but, I will save that for the 4 month update coming on Monday ( Stay tuned!)
" At it again kid ... huh?"

"Yup, dog... "

Daddy picked this hippo up at the 1$ store to put in Bradley's stocking for Christmas and boy, I tell ya the kid loves it!!! He is hiding it from me here as you can see... lol

Shake, Rattle & Roll...

Everything goes into the mouth now N' days !!

"Hi ducky..."

The End...

Tiggy & Pooh & Bradley Too ...

I put Mr. B down for just a bit today and came back into the room to find him talking to his bumper pad at the back of the crib. It has a tigger and a pooh bear on it and boy oh boy did he like them! Bradley's new thing is a loud screechy noise that he does to communicate with his daddy. So, you can imagine what he was doing to try to get pooh and tigger to talk to him.

Tigger... will you please talk to me!

What about you pooh ?

Poooooooooooooh ?

I wonder if I grab them...

They will come out and play ??

Thursday, December 29, 2011

I can't NOT buy him something...

When we go to the store. I always have to buy him something !! So, the other day we went to Wal - Mart and I bought him this little dinky table and alarm clock/cd player for his room. It fits perfectly and it is perfect for all that we need it for. Now, he has some way to listen to his lullaby CD's.

Tummy Time Take 6 :)

Well, Bradley is Mr. mobile in some ways now! I should be prepping the house to baby proof it and make baby safe. But, I think I am safe for another month. I bet by Feb we will have a crawler on our hands or a scooter. lol
Yesterday baby B and I decided that we would play with his toys on the ground. Now, that he can roll over and what not it's pretty neat to watch him go from his back to his stomach and back to his back...

He thought this toy was so cool lol...

He wasn't feeling very well ...

He loves this book too :)

He wacks the turtle to get it to play music....

Trying to figure out which ones to play with ...

A fun time with my little man !

Sunday, December 25, 2011

I've got more clothes...

Then my own Daddy ;) lol... I don't want to know what would of happened if Bradley would of been a girl :) He has so many clothes it's funny. I am constantly buying him outfits and pj's which is funny cause I love buying myself pj's. My husband said to me the other day, he has so many clothes he won't be able to wear all of them because he will grow out of them. haha... the sad part is it is half way the truth. I don't care though... he was my early Christmas present and I don't know what I would do without him now. This morning though was no exception to getting clothes lol... mama bought him some & so did mamo & papa :)

He was helping me unwrap the gift's....

What is this mom ?

hehe... it could say back off! I'm eating also ... either way would of worked!


So.... absolutely CUTE!

I love this!!!

This too!!!

Great job Mamo & papa ... :)

It was love at first sight with a.... DUCK!

Well, since Bradley loves anything that plays or has to do with music! When he opened up his duck present from Mamo & Papa.... he absolutely loved it! The look on his face when Daddy put in front of him was priceless. He helped mommy open it by, pulling off the tissue paper. It was practically love at first sight with the duck!! The proof is below...

hmmm you have feet Mr. Duck !

Mr. Duck, I know you play music... playyyy!

My duck ! Not yours...

I love this thing daddy!

This Duck is amazing! My new favorite toy!


Totally precious ... Talking to the duck!

When he first saw it...

Thank you Mamo & Papa... Bradley loves it!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Peek - A - Boo ~ I see you :)

My little peanut went into his crib after playing on the floor!! He obviously likes his picture being taken....

pretty Blue Eyes :)

Smiley boy ....

Little man havin fun as always....

Bradley & Chief ... conversation take 3!!

"Yes, Dog that is love"...

" You know kid, before you came into this world mommy and daddy used to bathe me all the time! "

"That could not have been pleasant... I mean you are so hairy."

"Kid please don't insult my silky coat! One day that big ol' head of yours is going to be full with hair!"

"Hey, dog have you looked in the mirror lately ? You've got quite the big head!"

"But either way... I love you brother !"


"Well, I love you to brother "

"Maybe, one day we can play together ?"

" I will show you how to roll like this... lol"

* Chief left the seen ... but as he walked out he said..." Sounds good brother"!!

Bradley & Chief conversation ... Take 2!

This morning Bradley & Chief decided they would have a conversation again... it took place for quite awhile and in the end Chief decided that he would just get up and walk around while they were talking... As you will see in the Take 3 part of this posting :) Bradley was doing his Tummy time with his toys and Chief decided that it would be a good idea to take the time to get to know the little dude... I guess in the end it didn't go according to Chief's plan... Take a listen...

"Kid, you got enough toys there ? For goodness sakes I don't even that many toys! All I have are abunch of bones & a rotten little rope thing and some rubber thingy ..."

"Hey dog... I thought I told you not to call me kid! But, yes, i have plenty of toys here and they are all mine! I guess you could say, I'm spoiled."

"Really? Cause before you came into this house hold I was the spoiled one. Now ... it's all about you !"

"And ?!?! You my dear brother are a dog! I am a precious little boy who deserves the world! "

"I may be a dog but... I was here wayyyy before you! So, that means this whole spoiled thing should be reversed! Right ??? "

"No, you are wrong dog! I am a human... do you know what that is ?"

" Yes, I was bought by two of them and you were brought into the world by two of them. You are a human kid... "

"Duh... dog! I knew that... what's your problem with me anyways... "

" I don't have one...I think you have a problem with me!"

"Now, Now, Now... don't you have any manners dog ?"

"I do... I think I have been very nice to you... I have cleaned your feet, cleaned your hand, all with my own tongue now ... that is love!"

... To be continued...