Thursday, December 1, 2011

2 Baths in one day... now that takes talent :-)

Yesterday Bradley got two baths !! Only one was captured on film and the reason is in the first picture! He decided that he was going to spit up in his bassinet and the roll over in it and get it all on the side of his head! It went onto the side of his face and on his ear. It was pretty gross.... so, I decided that I would give him a bath to get it out, he needed one anyways! So, I gave him a bath and about three hours later I am changing his diaper and I *thought* he was done going poo ... boy was i ever wrong! He not only was not done going poo... he decided that he would pee and aim right at his head. Yes, it went on his face & head! So, that called for bath # 2! Here are some photos :)

Gross I know.... I had to capture it though!

Clean & talking to mama !

Happy Boy :)

He likes to grab things & hold onto things ... EVERYTHING lol!

My happy baby boy :)

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