Sunday, December 25, 2011

I've got more clothes...

Then my own Daddy ;) lol... I don't want to know what would of happened if Bradley would of been a girl :) He has so many clothes it's funny. I am constantly buying him outfits and pj's which is funny cause I love buying myself pj's. My husband said to me the other day, he has so many clothes he won't be able to wear all of them because he will grow out of them. haha... the sad part is it is half way the truth. I don't care though... he was my early Christmas present and I don't know what I would do without him now. This morning though was no exception to getting clothes lol... mama bought him some & so did mamo & papa :)

He was helping me unwrap the gift's....

What is this mom ?

hehe... it could say back off! I'm eating also ... either way would of worked!


So.... absolutely CUTE!

I love this!!!

This too!!!

Great job Mamo & papa ... :)

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