Friday, December 30, 2011

Bradley & his toys ...

Bradley is getting to be so much fun !! Although he is not mobile yet... he still wants to get into everything and touch everything he can get those cute little fingers of his on. So, today during "play" time I pulled out some different toys and he just loved it! He has his favorite's but, I will save that for the 4 month update coming on Monday ( Stay tuned!)
" At it again kid ... huh?"

"Yup, dog... "

Daddy picked this hippo up at the 1$ store to put in Bradley's stocking for Christmas and boy, I tell ya the kid loves it!!! He is hiding it from me here as you can see... lol

Shake, Rattle & Roll...

Everything goes into the mouth now N' days !!

"Hi ducky..."

The End...

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