Saturday, December 24, 2011

Bradley & Chief conversation ... Take 2!

This morning Bradley & Chief decided they would have a conversation again... it took place for quite awhile and in the end Chief decided that he would just get up and walk around while they were talking... As you will see in the Take 3 part of this posting :) Bradley was doing his Tummy time with his toys and Chief decided that it would be a good idea to take the time to get to know the little dude... I guess in the end it didn't go according to Chief's plan... Take a listen...

"Kid, you got enough toys there ? For goodness sakes I don't even that many toys! All I have are abunch of bones & a rotten little rope thing and some rubber thingy ..."

"Hey dog... I thought I told you not to call me kid! But, yes, i have plenty of toys here and they are all mine! I guess you could say, I'm spoiled."

"Really? Cause before you came into this house hold I was the spoiled one. Now ... it's all about you !"

"And ?!?! You my dear brother are a dog! I am a precious little boy who deserves the world! "

"I may be a dog but... I was here wayyyy before you! So, that means this whole spoiled thing should be reversed! Right ??? "

"No, you are wrong dog! I am a human... do you know what that is ?"

" Yes, I was bought by two of them and you were brought into the world by two of them. You are a human kid... "

"Duh... dog! I knew that... what's your problem with me anyways... "

" I don't have one...I think you have a problem with me!"

"Now, Now, Now... don't you have any manners dog ?"

"I do... I think I have been very nice to you... I have cleaned your feet, cleaned your hand, all with my own tongue now ... that is love!"

... To be continued...

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