Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A weekend filled with milestones !!

This weekend was Bradley first time to roll from his back to his stomach ! He now get's pissed everytime it does not work after he figured out that it does actually really work if he tries hard enough lol. Here is a picture of his attempt and while the event was not fully captured on film you can see how close he was and easy it was to finish it :)

He went a walk with Mom & Dad and Doggy this weekend also! He loves to use the stroller to fall asleep in and this was no exception. He really enjoys going on walks and looking at the outdoors! He also enjoys the bright lights in stores like wal mart and home depot! He will sit in his car seat and just stare at them :)

Lookin at his daddy :)

Watchin as the Christmas Decorations unfolded!

A great weekend with an amazing little boy !!!

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