Thursday, November 3, 2011

Walkin with mommy & doggy...

This afternoon I decided that before this lingering storm comes that we should go on a walk. It was mighty cold outside at 39 degrees at 1:15 in the afternoon... so I got myself & Bradley ready and hooked the dog up and set out for our walk.

This is on the way back ... the trees at the end of the block are really changing colors. Here in Idaho they actually have ALL seasons :) It's really something to see.

The dog trying to keep ahead of the stroller ... lo... he is getting so much better.

Here he is just finishing his business... lol ... and being the "man" that he is ... he was pretty proud about it!! :)

He thought he was going to be the first out the door ... but...

Not the case... Mr. B always comes first :)

My baby boy all bundled up for the cold... He slept for 3 hours after the walk :) He loves to be warm !! I don't blame him ... :)

Now... to patiently wait for that snow ...

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