Saturday, November 26, 2011

I'm 3 Months !!!

Bradely is 3 months old today and I can't believe that it's been 3 months since I gave birth to him. It feels like it was just yesterday! My little boy is growing up so fast! He is learning so quickly... here are some of the things he can do ...

* Hold is head up while on his belly.

* Grab & hold on to things.

* Hold is own bottle from the bottom lol.

* Take his binkie out of his mouth.

* He stands with help and pushes up!

* New today... he stands on the ground and will walk forward... With help! Yes, believe it!

* He has two bottom teeth coming in!

* He blows bubbles with his spit!

* Coos, gurggles, and ooos, awws, eees, and so much more noises!

* He has found his hands and likes to suck on them.

* He has found his thumb also.

His favorite things are:

* Pooh Bear

* His zebra toy

* Pacifiers :)

He eats about 24 ounces and eats every four hours... and his currently being sleep trained :)

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