Thursday, November 3, 2011

3 days of labor & 5 days in the hospital...

Bradley John... has been with us for a little over 2 months now. After 1 day of trying to jump start me into labor and 2 days of being in full blown labor... on August 26th Bradley came into this world via c-section at 7:07pm. He has changed our world for the better and I know has changed the grandparents worlds on both sides for the better. Although he was stubborn deciding on when he wanted to make his debut ... he is in no way a stubborn baby in fact he is the most content baby I have ever met :) He only fusses when he is dirty, hungry, or tired. He is a very happy & healthy baby boy!!
On August 24th we headed to the hospital to be induced due to high blood pressure that kicked in at 36 weeks. Here are a few pictures from our stay at the hospital which lasted 5 days total :)

The board they had in the recovery room... where we stayed for 2 days after he was born.

They had me in recovery for an hour :( I remember when they rolled him in the room... it's a feeling I will never forget.

I believe this is when the idea of a c-section became real!! This was the second room they moved me into the second day we were there :)

Looks I was contracting... the nurse had told my mom & husband that they could tell me when the contractions were starting to come down... yeah, that didn't work lol.

Me & Lisa ... my nurse ALL 3 days I was in labor :)

I had told Lisa, that I just wanted the IV pain meds... that quickly went out the door when I couldn't even walk through the contractions. I believe I cried to my husband "I want the epidural" lol...

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