Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Bath Time .... Take 3

Once again... it was bath time at the penn's house! This morning Baby B. woke up ready to be bathed. He was in such a great mood! We were having quite the time playing in the bath together. He is growing and learning each day & today is the third time since bathing him that he has figured out that if he kicks the water.... it "splashes" lol... today he did it and smiled and then said, "grrrrrgggggglllll" lol :)

I had asked him " Really, tell me all about it" I captured him in the middle of his "sentence" according to him!

He used to hate getting out of the bath cause it was cold! Now, I can lay him on the towel and wrap him up and he just adores it! Lately he has been "eating" everything ... I think this teething thing is taking it's full effect!

Little B. had just woken up and was patiently waiting for his bath to be ready so, he could get in!

Spit baby... lol ... He love's the water and I must say, he also loves to spit :) Good thing he was in the bath!

Precious time with my boy :)

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