Thursday, November 3, 2011

Music Man!

This morning after Bradley had been fed and napped for an hour or so... I decided that we would have tummy time out in the living room and put on a few CD that my mom had gotten for him. He loves music wheather it's a CD or just plain old whistling. We are not sure where this love of music comes from... maybe it's from all the music he heard in the car while in my tummy :) Here are a few pictures from tummy time this morning :)

My little sumo wrestler ... laying on his back listening to the music !!

The other CD.... He just adored this one :) Mommy made him dance along this one! Thank you FRANCIE!!

I have a feeling were digging a hole with that paci of his... but he loves it :) He was getting pissed that he couldn't move lol.

The pooh bear stuffed animal that his great grandma sent up for him. He loves to look at it & the other day he was talking to it while laying in his crib.

One of the CD's that my mom got for him... he loved it, he was listening to it as he laid on his tummy :)

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