Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A weekend of fun for Mr. B !

This weekend well, Daddy's weekend :) was filled with snow, walks, and new clothes & lots of holding on to things :) He has figured out how to hold almost everything. The other day I decided to pull out his toys that he loves and he now can grab the rings on them and hit them around! On Monday Bradley got a package from Grammy & Grandpa ... a book & some clothing :) This kid will never run out hehe... He saw his first snow on Tuesday afternoon it dumped!! Today we went on a stroll while it was nice outside still... another storm is brewing ! It was an amazing weekend spent with mommy & daddy :)

Hanging out in his swing .... reaching for his toy :)

The first pair of pj's I put him in.... they didn't last lol.

All ready for the walk this mornin....

Hanging with Daddy on the couch :)

What a fun relaxing weekend :)

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