Thursday, November 17, 2011

Fist VS Pacifier and the answer is ....

Both !!! Mr. Bradley has definately found his hand and possibly his thumb. I don't think his thumb tastes quite as good as his paci but... he ocassionaly tries to fit both his fist and his paci in his mouth, hasn't quite worked yet! It's hard to say if he will be a thumb sucker or just a paci kid! His bottom two front teeth are visible and you can feel them when sticking your fingers in his mouth.... so, anything that he can get into his mouth goes! lol ... Although he is a little more fussy then normal still, such an amazing little boy who I love and adore to death!!!

Chillin in his warm blanket :)

Mr. B. after his 2nd bath because he spit up ALL over!

So... I am pretty sure this explains why i was getting punched when he was inside my tummy! His hands are always in a fist lol :) Constantly looks like he is getting ready to fight :)

The proof is in this photo haha :)

Mr. B... a happy & healthy growing little boy :)

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