Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A weekend filled with milestones !!

This weekend was Bradley first time to roll from his back to his stomach ! He now get's pissed everytime it does not work after he figured out that it does actually really work if he tries hard enough lol. Here is a picture of his attempt and while the event was not fully captured on film you can see how close he was and easy it was to finish it :)

He went a walk with Mom & Dad and Doggy this weekend also! He loves to use the stroller to fall asleep in and this was no exception. He really enjoys going on walks and looking at the outdoors! He also enjoys the bright lights in stores like wal mart and home depot! He will sit in his car seat and just stare at them :)

Lookin at his daddy :)

Watchin as the Christmas Decorations unfolded!

A great weekend with an amazing little boy !!!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

I'm 3 Months !!!

Bradely is 3 months old today and I can't believe that it's been 3 months since I gave birth to him. It feels like it was just yesterday! My little boy is growing up so fast! He is learning so quickly... here are some of the things he can do ...

* Hold is head up while on his belly.

* Grab & hold on to things.

* Hold is own bottle from the bottom lol.

* Take his binkie out of his mouth.

* He stands with help and pushes up!

* New today... he stands on the ground and will walk forward... With help! Yes, believe it!

* He has two bottom teeth coming in!

* He blows bubbles with his spit!

* Coos, gurggles, and ooos, awws, eees, and so much more noises!

* He has found his hands and likes to suck on them.

* He has found his thumb also.

His favorite things are:

* Pooh Bear

* His zebra toy

* Pacifiers :)

He eats about 24 ounces and eats every four hours... and his currently being sleep trained :)

To Breakfast & The last of the swing...

This morning Bradley & I went to go get something quick for Breakfast :) We came back and he had spit up all over his outfit so, I had to change him. He went into the swing and as I realized that he could scooch his way out of it... I knew the night time would be chaos! As he would have to sleep in his bassinet on his back where he could not roll out of it! So it began...

My little muffin man....

In his newly changed outfit ... and the last time in the swing :(

"I got this mom... I can hold my head up!"

My little man is not so little anymore! He is holding his head up like no other! It's quite cute to watch :) Yesterday's Tummy Time ... he is starting to enjoy it again! I am hoping it won't be to long until he decides to roll over lol! He is so... close it's funny !!

He get's tired and puts his head down :)

My little muscel baby...

He loves looking at pooh & tigger :)

He was watching something... maybe just paying attention to sucking on his hands!

And... last but not least... my little "big" boy :)

Truly amazing watching him grow and develop each day... he does something new :)

Saturday, November 19, 2011

A poem for Bradley !

Bored while my husband was at work I thought I would try to write a poem for my son to put him in his baby book. I have been thinking it would be pretty neat if I could sit down once a month and either write a note or a poem for him so, when he gets older he can read them or on his 18th Birthday I can give them to him. I know, why in the world am i thinking about him turning 18 lol ...:( Anyways... here it is...

August Night

You came into this world…
so tiny and innocent
My heart took flight
That fateful August night
They took you out of my tummy
And I knew I was forever your mummy
as I reached for your hand
you grasped my finger and
My heart no longer lingered …
Three months later
and we’ve reached new heights
you have me wrapped around your finger
I watch you as you grow
You’re no longer a newborn
When your lying on the couch
Looking around, I know the world is so big
To you … but…
When everything seems to big for you to handle
you look for me and I smile
You bat those big blue eyes
And your shining smile returns the favor
I touch your cheek,
as you touch my hand
That tiny touch…
has never felt so grand
When you feed you stare
into my eyes
And looking back at you
I realize
That you are…
The air I breathe and the little boy
That made my world spin
That fateful August night!

I love you Bradley !!
Love, Mommy
November 19th, 2011

Mommy's little peanut :)

Yesterday Bradley was in full blown spit up mode & nothing makes me happy mode! So, I had to give him another bath. He went through three outfits yesterday ... finally I put him in his "Lucky" t-shirt until it was time to get ready for bed. He looked so cute...

My sleepy little boy!

All clean mommy!

Chewin on that hand :)

Mommy's little Elephant :)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Fist VS Pacifier and the answer is ....

Both !!! Mr. Bradley has definately found his hand and possibly his thumb. I don't think his thumb tastes quite as good as his paci but... he ocassionaly tries to fit both his fist and his paci in his mouth, hasn't quite worked yet! It's hard to say if he will be a thumb sucker or just a paci kid! His bottom two front teeth are visible and you can feel them when sticking your fingers in his mouth.... so, anything that he can get into his mouth goes! lol ... Although he is a little more fussy then normal still, such an amazing little boy who I love and adore to death!!!

Chillin in his warm blanket :)

Mr. B. after his 2nd bath because he spit up ALL over!

So... I am pretty sure this explains why i was getting punched when he was inside my tummy! His hands are always in a fist lol :) Constantly looks like he is getting ready to fight :)

The proof is in this photo haha :)

Mr. B... a happy & healthy growing little boy :)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Bath Time .... Take 3

Once again... it was bath time at the penn's house! This morning Baby B. woke up ready to be bathed. He was in such a great mood! We were having quite the time playing in the bath together. He is growing and learning each day & today is the third time since bathing him that he has figured out that if he kicks the water.... it "splashes" lol... today he did it and smiled and then said, "grrrrrgggggglllll" lol :)

I had asked him " Really, tell me all about it" I captured him in the middle of his "sentence" according to him!

He used to hate getting out of the bath cause it was cold! Now, I can lay him on the towel and wrap him up and he just adores it! Lately he has been "eating" everything ... I think this teething thing is taking it's full effect!

Little B. had just woken up and was patiently waiting for his bath to be ready so, he could get in!

Spit baby... lol ... He love's the water and I must say, he also loves to spit :) Good thing he was in the bath!

Precious time with my boy :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A weekend of fun for Mr. B !

This weekend well, Daddy's weekend :) was filled with snow, walks, and new clothes & lots of holding on to things :) He has figured out how to hold almost everything. The other day I decided to pull out his toys that he loves and he now can grab the rings on them and hit them around! On Monday Bradley got a package from Grammy & Grandpa ... a book & some clothing :) This kid will never run out hehe... He saw his first snow on Tuesday afternoon it dumped!! Today we went on a stroll while it was nice outside still... another storm is brewing ! It was an amazing weekend spent with mommy & daddy :)

Hanging out in his swing .... reaching for his toy :)

The first pair of pj's I put him in.... they didn't last lol.

All ready for the walk this mornin....

Hanging with Daddy on the couch :)

What a fun relaxing weekend :)

Monday, November 14, 2011

Men ... hehe :)

I could hear it from the other room... they were talking to eachother! It was babble, but it was like they could understand eachother. Bradley looks at his Daddy like he is such a "guy" which he is.. I know they have made such a connection now ! I can't wait to see how they interact as Bradley gets older! It's amazing watching my husband with his son... he is awesome with Bradley!!!

This is the picture i got ...lol... Bradley was immitating his daddy sooo.... cute :)

I love my boys...

Mommy & Bradley = LOVE!

We realized that we didn't have very many pictures of me holding my best friend :) So, hubby thought it would be a good idea to capture some. It's amazing how fast the weather can change here in North Idaho ... so, when it started snowing it was pretty amazing :) I thought it would be fun to capture a pic of me & baby boy with the snow behind us :)

Daddy took this picture ! I love my little boy!

We spend a lot of time together and I am so glad that I am able to raise him these first few precious months of his life :)

Saturday, November 12, 2011

"Under The Same Moon" ....

Ever since Bradley was born he has been a thinker & a looker! When his Mamo & Papa were here, mamo bought him a recordable book .... her voice is on it so, last night i decided that since Bradley likes to look at things I would sit down with him and let him listen to the story! Boy, I tell ya, he stared at the pages and listened so intently. It was pretty neat to watch!

The book...

Wow... lol... don't look at me! Look at the baby :)

he really didn't like me sticking the camera in his face after the story was done!

I think I am going to start reading to him more often as he seemed to really enjoy it!

Bath Time on 11-11-11

After a day of Drooling, spitting up, and pooping...After 3 outfits and a pajama set of clothes to be washed. I figured it was time for Mr. Bradley's bath! He enjoyed it just as much as I enjoyed getting him clean again :) I thought it was funny that the dog had to be right next to me the whole time that I was giving Baby B. a bath. I swear Bradley has a built in body guard for life!

The dog laying near me & the baby while changing him!

Clean & Ready to take a nap ?? lol...

There is that toungue again ... hehe :)

It was the end to a perfect day with a perfect little boy :)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Drool, Bath, Tummy... Time ... Take 1,2 & 3 :)

Well this morning while it was a little crazy with leaking water and trying to get the plumbers out here! Bradley & Mommy made the most of our time! Bradley is in full blown drool mode right now and what goes in to his mouth must come out ! Saliva that is !!! This morning mommy decided she would put a bib on him to try to prevent the drooling going on to his clothing... that quickly failed! So, he had to be changed but first bathed!

Mr. B. after the bath chilling in his swing :)

He really is not a fan of tummy time anymore... Now that he has figured out that he can't move

Take 3 ???

So freash and so clean ....

Mommies little drool monster .... That bib says it ALL !!!

I love my lil' man :)

Sleep it's what I do best :)

Mr. Bradley has been an excellent sleeper since he was about 5 weeks old. I don't know where he gets it from ... because it's rumored that I was not a good sleeper as a baby :) But, I could take a guess as to where he gets it from... DADDY! :) Yesterday we decided that we would have a lazy day at home. We BBQ'D turkey burgers... I decided that we would all hang out with daddy on the back porch and BBQ so, I bundled baby B. up and ...

This is what happened :) This is the beanie that his Great Grandma Barker made for him.

While sitting on the couch with Daddy he fell asleep on his chest but quickly landed on the couch! He slept for 3 hours :)

He then slept from 8:00pm to 1:30 AM and from 2:00AM to 6:40 AM and from 6:50 to 8:30 AM ... My little sleepy boy :)

My hands do what ???

Although Bradley has found his hands weeks ago... he has figured out that his hands will take things and put things back in his mouth. His newest finding is his pacifier! He hasn't quite figured out how to put it back into his mouth with is fingers but, he does put it back with his fists lol... it's quite cute!! He does however take it out with his fingers and will hold onto it for a while and the drop it or expect mommy or daddy to put it back :) I think he has figured out the game of it all :)

I caught him the other night trying to decide if he really wanted to pull the pacifier out of his mouth lol ...maybe he was telling me something haha !

He was in deep thought with this picture... hehe...

He is growing up so fast!!! It's not fair...

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Bradley in the stroller ... Take 2!

This morning we decided to head out for a walk around the block. It was beautiful outside and quite warm considering the past few days have been bone chilling outside. You could see Schwietzer Mountain perfectly and just how much snow they have recieved the past few days. Bradley was snuggled in with his blankets and paci ready to go...

You can actually see the back of our house lol...

The only real BIG tree on the block... an old farm house used to be there before they built the suburb and so it was up to the people that built the new house if they wanted to leave it... from what we have heard. You can see Schwietzer really well!

My love <3

Where is Bradley ???

It was a wonderful way to start of a very lazy day :)