Saturday, March 31, 2012

After Bath Time ....

This evening before Daddy came home and after Bradley had gotten a bath. We played in his room for a while before he started to crash so, I decided to put in a "show" for him so, he could wind down for the night. He has not been sleeping well lately and I'm not sure why. But, it's effecting his mood at some points in the day. Well, while he was playing he decided that he wanted to check out the door way and the door it self to his room. Pretty funny and entertaining to watch him roll from on spot to the next. It was funny to watch him try and get the door to close LOL.

Well, earlier in the day I took a picture of Daddy's item that he is saving for Bradley... right now it sits next to his name on his wall.

The toy he has in his mouth ... he has someone that has fur on his body that also wants the toy LOL. Can you take a guess who that would be ? We have to hide it so Chief does not get it!

His favorite duck in the whole wide world!

I'm not sure why he likes to grab two things at once!

Making his way to the door way :)


That wall must be really, really, really neat!

Making his way back... only this time reading a book !

Trying to grab the blanket with it!

Maybe he will be a reader on the toilet HAHA jk!

The End...

BIG Stuffed Animals :)

After the sport blanket, The Magic Blue Carpet, next came BIG Stuffed Animals! Bradley, like his mommy and daddy LOVES his stuffed animals. Big or Small he just has to get his hands on them! Today, he was introduced to Eyore and "Rabbit" ... Rabbit came with a blanket that Rabbit had his arms and legged wrapped around. While Eyore was mommy's that she got when she younger in Florida at the mall with her mom. Well, needless to say Bradley loved them both!

Mr. B and the Rabbit!

Bradley, Meet Eyore!

Now, politely kiss Eyore!

Now, I don't know what you are doing... LOL

Eyore is tired...


The Magic Blue Carpet !

After having fun on the sport blanket... Bradley decided that, it would be a good time to go ahead and roll right off of it. So, he rolled towards his dresser and managed to pull the drawer out about half way. I quickly ended that adventure as I was afraid he would manage to get stuck LOL. I sent him back on his way and he rolled his way to the "Magic Blue Carpet" ...

The almost not so good ending with bottom dresser drawer!

And... The magic blue carpet!

Oh, so cute!

I'm not sure what the "obsession" was with this blue carpet!

He had to either be on it, next to it or eating it LOL!

And enough said... LOL

He loves that rattle!

Eating it or sniffing it ... not sure which one! None the less ... still adorable!

Not going much further!

The End...

Sport Blanket & Sport Onesie :)

Today, was all about sport's aparently. Bradley, had on his Steelers onesie from his trip to California. He was playing on his 'sport' blanket which one my husbands good friends & old work partner's wife Jackie gave to him before he was born! so, I guess today was 'sport' day! :) Anyways... yesterday Bradley sat in front of the TV most of the day much to my dismay! So, today he seemed to be in a better mood so, I pulled out a blanket and played with him on the floor. Boy, he sure loves his toys! He has so many that I was not sure which one to pull out and let him play with. So, I just pulled out the rattles and what not. He quickly took to one particular rattle which his best friend Amanda gave to him :) Needless to say, he enjoyed each and every minute of play time on his blanket...


I'm rolling mom!

He spotted the nail polish LOL!

Playing with my toes... there long enough to be toys HAHA!

That's a quit taking photos of me look! Or ... A I'm gonna mess you up ... look :)

That's his new "pose" it's so funny to watch him get into it :)

My little swimmer!

There is that pose again :)

That flash was bright LOL

If that is not the cutest face you have ever seen! I don't know what is!

The End....

Friday, March 30, 2012

A Travel Crib, A baby , and Mommy!

Bradley likes to hang out in his travel crib while I am on the computer. We have this stuffed doll that he uses as a teething device. He also likes to talk to the doll. Well today, I snapped some photos of him being silly in the play pen ...

Not sure... if you can tell what he was doing but, he was sticking his face against the neting and it looked pretty darn funny!

LOL... I don't know what he was doing!

Last night after Bradley had gotten a bath. I had my camera handy and we snapped a few photos of mommy & Bradley :)

I adore this little boy!

Mommy Loves you Bradley .... to the moon!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Mr. B... And the pose...

This morning we all settled in to watch American Idol and Dr. Phil :) after eating his fruit medley for breakfast Bradley, was set to go for the morning.

Here is a photo of the Mr. B and the dog...

Every morning I have the same routine ... I go around and open all the blinds and then go and say, Good Morning to Mr. B... and every morning I seem to find him in some odd position in his crib. The pose I found him in this morning is one of his new poses and it looks as though he is trying to model. So, I snapped a few different shots and he would not leave the pose he was in ... take a look... LOL

Smokin' hot ladies :)

Mr. Personality even in the morning :)

Maybe this is a preview of what is to come :) LOL jk!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Mommy buys me lots of...

Yes, I bought him more... lol

"I Dig My Dad" ... with a tractor on it. These are 18 monthers :)

12 month pjs :)

My favorite! :) His first pair of flip flops!

Love my little boy SO much!

Monday, March 26, 2012

7 Month Stat Updates!

Happy 7 Month's Mr. B.

Can't believe he is 7 months already! It feels like just yesterday that we brought him home from the hopsital! So, Justin and I took his stats today ....

Height : 28 Inches long

Head Circumfrence: 18 3/4 around

Weight 19.2 pounds

He is even closer to crawling the then last time I posted his 6 months stats! He rocks like no other :)

Every thing else is still pretty much the same :)

We are having so much fun with him!

Future Messy Quad Rider :)

Yesterday, we got alot of things done around the house ! Bradley, tagged along as we went to the dump, grocery food shopping, and to wal-mart. We also jumped Daddy's truck that is never drivin. It had been sitting for weeks in the cold with snow covered on it. But, since yesterday we have been driving the truck around :) It's pretty fun and Bradley seems to enjoy it. Daddy took the plow off the quad yesterday and once he was done. I set Bradley on it and we snapped some photos. Then last night after Bradley ate some dinner he got something new that he had never tried before. It was one of the packs of apples sauce like stuff that they can squeeze out and eat. Well, Daddy put some on a spoon and needless to say, Bradley loved it! He had some more this morning for Breakfast. Here are some photos from yesterday...

My handsome little man :)


More Daddy, More!!!!

Precious :)

He was havin' so much fun :)

Love my boys!