Saturday, January 28, 2012

5 Month Photo's!!

Bradley turned 5 months on the 26th of this month! I took more then the one photo that was posted to FB ! I thought I'd share the rest of them...

Love him!!

Organizer & Similac !?!?

The other day it was like Christmas all over again for Bradley! He recieved the diaper organizer that I had ordered him. Along with the toy hammock I got for him. Then, we also received a box from Similac. So, about two months ago I registered with Similac since, I had done the same thing with enfamil but, it turned out that Bradley's tummy does not do so well on enfamil. Well, the other day we recieved a box of some pretty awesome stuff from Similac! Take a peak...

The diaper organizer... It's now in a different spot!

Awesomeness!! As you other mama's know baby formula is expensive! There are 5 of these $5 off coupons!

And two different things of Similac :)

The box all of them came in!

I have more things on the way for my spoiled baby boy also ;)

Monday, January 23, 2012

Bradley Watches TV ....

Three months ago, we bought a few kid video's and while back then Bradley was not quite old enough to watch them. Yesterday, I decided to put Bradley in his boucy thing that Grammy got him and turn on one of the videos wich has music on it and is a Sesame Street film. Since Bradley loves music you can imagine that he absolutely loved this video. He seemed to really find some parts of it funny, as he was laughing. Looks, like i found something else that we will be taking to California with us. Here are some photos ....

The film...

Here he is watching the video...

And again...

lol... playing and watching

Playing with his rattle on the toy.

What are you doing mom...

Baby goes tubbing :)

It's amazing how dirty a 4 month old can get just from hangin' out with mama all day! Since Bradley was 3 and a half months old he has been on a schedule and he has taken right to it. The schedule works for mom and dad also. It's a schedule that will be able to be adjusted as he grows older but for now works great! Part of that schedule is being fed dinner at 4pm which usually ends around 4:10pm and then he get's 2 oz of Apple Juice to go wash it down ... he loves it and it helps him go poop! By the time the apple juice is gone it's now 4:30pm ... Mommy goes and get's his bath ready while he finishes the Apple Juice and then between 4:30 and 5pm Bradley get's a bath. Then after his bath he plays for a while before, it's time to have 6 oz of formula.

Thought I'd share some of the photos from bath time the other day...

My little chunky monkey getting ready for his bath :)

his toys that he absolutely LOVES!

Eating the towel ... and holding Mr. Penguin :)


Hangin in the tub :)

Warm in mama's arms :)

Haha! What I do to make my child smile lol...

The End....

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Bradley & Mr. Turtle ...

Yesterday Bradley had some fun in his crib playing with his turtle that he got for the Holiday's. He absolutely loves this Turtle. If he is crying or upset this Turtle can do the trick to turn into the happy little boy that he most of the time is. After his nap Mommy had to take the puppers out to go potty. So, Bradley's turtle was put into his crib it was love !!

Mr. B with his turtle!

He likes to touch his ears lol.

Trying to get it to play the music :)

Mr. Bradley had just gotten a bath and was clean! It's getting harder to change him on the changing table since, he rolls and wont stay still. So, I have been getting him dressed on the floor lol.

The Turtle...

I'm telling you this thing is wonderful for Bradley!

I ADORE my little boy!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Mom's Nose, Playing Baby, & Laundry...

I don't know if is the fact that he is getting older or what... but, Mr. B has been so cranky lately! It's been tough to get anything done since he has been so demanding lately! But, yesterday after he finally went down for a nap. I had a chance to get some things done and once he woke up... he was in a little bit of a better mood. So, I put him on the bed in the computer room and then took the chance to lay next to him and this is what happened....

He has an obsession with my nose! lol

Today ... he seriously needed his laundry done so, while I did his laundry I put him on the floor to play! The outfit that he is in was his third outfit he had been put into during the day.

Once the laundry was done I came in and folded all the clothes,bibs,rags,and changing table rags and what not... and I made the grim discovery that baby food stains :(( So, now three of his outfits or sleepers are stained!!! I also retired another clothing item that will have to wait until the next kid comes into this family :)

While I did his laundry and he played... we listened to his favorite music CD!

It was fun while it lasted... then he went down for a nap :)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

New Room Design ... AGAIN!

So, today I decided that I would clean the whole house and then adventure into Bradley's room where all i wanted to do was to organize the closet. Well, that turned into a furniture moving festival. lol... I have an obsession with moving furniture around and apparently this included wall decor also! Take a look...

My little cutie pie :)

This really did not change....
These letters used to be over by the windows... along with the stars.
These are the pooh decals that were around the room... The crib is in the position that I wanted it in before he was born.
I have a diaper organizer and a stuff animal holder on it's way for this wall.
This wall also did not change!Well, except for the book case and the chair!
From the hall as you enter B.'s room!
Another photo of the wall!

Carrots Anyone ?

Well, a few days ago Bradley got to try to carrots and needless to say... yet again it was love at first taste! We have found an item that he does not like! It's peas .... he absolutely hates them! Pretty funny to watch :) Here are some carrot photos :)

Monday, January 16, 2012

Adventures with Squash !!

A few days ago Bradley tried Squash for the first time! He absolutely loved it!! He seems to think that I don't move quick enough when I feed him he likes to grab the handle of the spoon and pull it towards his mouth faster then I can. Apparently, he thinks that he has been eating a lot longer then I have LOL. I don't know where he gets his love for food but, he sure does love to eat. He says, mm... after he finishes a bite and it is the funniest thing in the world. He is getting the idea of swallowing down a lot better. He also likes to try and chew is food LOL it's like a little baby cow chewing on his cud. 

Squash anyone ?
Quicker mom! I'm starved!

This stuff is so... nummy!
Can I have some more?

Quit it!

Just feed me!


You're the best mama!!!