Monday, January 16, 2012

Adventures with Squash !!

A few days ago Bradley tried Squash for the first time! He absolutely loved it!! He seems to think that I don't move quick enough when I feed him he likes to grab the handle of the spoon and pull it towards his mouth faster then I can. Apparently, he thinks that he has been eating a lot longer then I have LOL. I don't know where he gets his love for food but, he sure does love to eat. He says, mm... after he finishes a bite and it is the funniest thing in the world. He is getting the idea of swallowing down a lot better. He also likes to try and chew is food LOL it's like a little baby cow chewing on his cud. 

Squash anyone ?
Quicker mom! I'm starved!

This stuff is so... nummy!
Can I have some more?

Quit it!

Just feed me!


You're the best mama!!!

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