Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Bradley & Chief Conversation... Take 3!

"Yes, Dog that is love! What are you talking about ?? Mommy gives me a bath every night!!"

" Well, aren't you special !!! "

" You know kid... before you came along Mommy used to give me baths also! "

" Well, that's great to know dog! But, I have a feeling she enjoys giving me baths more !! I'm not all hairy!!"

" Excuse me... please don't insult my hair!! I am silky smooth!! "

"Sorry, Dog but, you need to realize i am not going anywhere and these toys are mine!! Like i said, I'm spoiled!!!"

" Kid, you are funny! "

" Thanks, Dog!"

" Call me brother... Call me brother... "

" Alright, Love you brother!"

... Chief ... Love you too kid!!!

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