Saturday, January 21, 2012

Mom's Nose, Playing Baby, & Laundry...

I don't know if is the fact that he is getting older or what... but, Mr. B has been so cranky lately! It's been tough to get anything done since he has been so demanding lately! But, yesterday after he finally went down for a nap. I had a chance to get some things done and once he woke up... he was in a little bit of a better mood. So, I put him on the bed in the computer room and then took the chance to lay next to him and this is what happened....

He has an obsession with my nose! lol

Today ... he seriously needed his laundry done so, while I did his laundry I put him on the floor to play! The outfit that he is in was his third outfit he had been put into during the day.

Once the laundry was done I came in and folded all the clothes,bibs,rags,and changing table rags and what not... and I made the grim discovery that baby food stains :(( So, now three of his outfits or sleepers are stained!!! I also retired another clothing item that will have to wait until the next kid comes into this family :)

While I did his laundry and he played... we listened to his favorite music CD!

It was fun while it lasted... then he went down for a nap :)

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