Monday, January 2, 2012


Today Baby B. had his 4 month "Well Baby" Check up! He is healthy & growing right on track!

His stats from today...

Height: 25 3/4 ... puts him in the 75% tile for his age !

Weight: 15.2 ... puts him in the 50% tile for his age!

Head: 17 1/4 ... puts him in 90% tile for his age!

Bradley is progressing well and is so much fun now N' days! Some of the things he is doing are...

~ Grabs at EVERYTHING!


~ Found his feet

~ Stares at his hands

~ Puts his hands together and holds them

~ Sits in a tripod position for a short period of time

~ Pulls his head up when sitting in his high chair/carseat/or in the craddle position in your arms when holding him

~ Stands and pushes off your legs and bounces while being held

~ Rolls from back to stomach

~ Rolls from stomach to back

~ Coos, Eeks, Screams, Laughs...

~ Watches Daddy & Mommy as they walk around

... and so much more...

His favorite toys include....

~ His musical duck

~ His musical Turtle

~ His pop up purple toy

~ His mirror

~ His Mr. Penguin bath toy.

He really LOVES ...

~ Music

~ Lights

He is a growing boy and is currently teething he has 3 on the bottom and two up on top. A few may be starting to poke through on the sides of his gums.

He is a happy & healthy four month old little boy :)

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