Wednesday, January 18, 2012

New Room Design ... AGAIN!

So, today I decided that I would clean the whole house and then adventure into Bradley's room where all i wanted to do was to organize the closet. Well, that turned into a furniture moving festival. lol... I have an obsession with moving furniture around and apparently this included wall decor also! Take a look...

My little cutie pie :)

This really did not change....
These letters used to be over by the windows... along with the stars.
These are the pooh decals that were around the room... The crib is in the position that I wanted it in before he was born.
I have a diaper organizer and a stuff animal holder on it's way for this wall.
This wall also did not change!Well, except for the book case and the chair!
From the hall as you enter B.'s room!
Another photo of the wall!

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