Thursday, January 5, 2012

Daddy & Bradley Time!

Bradley got a little Daddy time yesterday and the evening before! Since, Daddy does work alot to support his family. Bradley really does not get to spend time with Daddy on his days on. Daddy comes home and pretty much an hour or two later Bradley is in bed. So, the time they do spend together is special! Bradley loves his Daddy very much !! They bonded so well, the two weeks that Daddy had off when Bradley was born. They definately have a connection and a bond that is totally different then what I have with Bradley!

Bradley feeding on his Daddy's chest!
My boys!

Daddy and his "sons" since, I know he relates the dog to being a human :)

My little man and his papa... trying to eat his Daddy's finger !

Havin' a deep conversation!

Again... a deep conversation was taking place!

haha... love them both!

And one JEALOUS dog!

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