Monday, January 2, 2012

It was a FIRST for Rice Cereal and it was a...

HIT! This little boy LOVES to eat !!! He was not to sure at first but, once he figured out that the taste that he was getting was actually coming from the spoon it was excitement galore for Mr. Bradley John. We did take a video of him eating that will be coming in a few days... Keep your eyes out for it! But, for now these pictures say, 1000 words !! Daddy, bought a few different kinds of Rice Cereal and today Bradley tride the Apple kind.... he has several more in the pantry on top of baby food as you can see. The Dr. Said, 1 week of Rice Cereal and then it's on to baby food... the 1st of Baby foods since there are 3 levels :) I'm sure you are all getting tired of reading this so .... here are the photos :)

The cereal & baby food :)

... Had just taken the bottle away that he was drinking the last bit of formula that I had mixed with his Rice Cereal... so he was pretty confused lol...

He was confused ... then he just turned MAD!

The pacifier calmed right down though :)

Then the excitement kicked in... and there was no turning back !

He grabbed the spoon and did his death grip on it ! It was pretty funny to watch him try to shove the spoon down his throat lol...

He flung it on my pants....

He wasn't to happy with the way i was feeding him ... so, he wanted to try it by himself :)

mmm.... he thought it was sooo, good!

My messy little angel!

I'm eatin... mama!!!

haha... he was a mess by the end of it!

More adventures with Rice Cereal to come....

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