Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Spoiled Baby ... Take 2...

 The other day Bradley, Daddy, & Mommy took a trip to wal mart to grab a few things that we needed. Bradley didn't leave empty handed that's for sure. This little boy is so loved by his mommy & daddy it's hard to not notice lol. There were a few items that we really needed such as another set of sheets for Bradley's crib. He lost one of his many paci's the other day, I don't know where it went :( So, I wanted to get him two more ... Daddy found a 12 month old shirt that he got for Bradley & yes, it fits him already lol. Then we came home and pulled out some of Bradley's toys so, he could sit in his highchair and play while we got dinner ready for ourselves.

The shirt that Daddy got Bradley!
The much needed other set of sheets for Bradley's Crib!

This is a book that Grammy got Bradley a while back! It has cd's that go along with it that you can stick in the cd player that is attached to the book. Bradley loves music! He loves this book !!!

Just a few of his favorite toys :)

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